Raymond G. Farney

A Study in Sherlock

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Samson of New Orleans.Utrecht, where Van Jansen was murdered in ’34.Barraud of London, maker of Drebber’s gold watch No.97163.Guion Steamship Company, two letters from them referencing boats sailing from Liverpool to New York were found on Drebber’s body.White Hart, pub at 11:00 p.m. Constable Rance dealt with a fight the night of Drebber’s murder.Henrietta Street. the corner where constables Rance and Murcher stood talking.Brixton Road, one of the locations Constable Rance on his beat checked about 2:00 a.m.13 Duncan Street. Houndsditch, Fictitious address Mrs. Sawyer gave Holmes as her home.3 Mayfield Place, Peckham. Fictitious address where Mrs. Sawyer told Holmes her daughter Sally and Tom Dennis lived.Euston Station, where Drebber and Stangerson after leaving Charpentier’s boarding house went to catch the Liverpool express.John Underwood and Sons 129 Camberwell Road, maker of the hat found beside Drebber’s body.Charpentier’s Boarding Establishment, Torquay Terrace, Camberwell. “Over the other side of the river.” Where Drebber was staying, for nearly three weeks.—To where the hat found beside Drebber’s body was sent by the maker.Copenhagen, travel labels Madame Charpentier noticed on both Drebber and Stangerson’s trunks.St. Petersburg, Paris, and Copenhagen. Cities where Jefferson Hope tracked Drebber and Stangerson.Waterloo Bridge, Drebber’s hansom passed over with Jefferson Hope following.PART II U.S.A.

       Locations Mentioned:“We are all of those who believe in the sacred writings, drawn in Egyptian letters on plates of beaten gold, which were handed onto the holy Joseph Smith at Palmyra. We have come from Nauvoo, in the state of Illinois, where we had founded our temple. We have come to seek a refuge from the violent man in from the godless, even though it be the heart of the desert.”The Rio Grande, Sierra Nevada to Nebraska, and the Yellowstone River, Colorado.Salt Lake City, Utah, Maps with drawn-in charts prepared, in which the future of the city was sketched out. All around farms were apportioned and allotted in proportion to the standing of each individual. The tradesman was put to his trade in the artisan to his calling. In the town streets and square sprang up as if by magic. In the country there was draining and hedging, planting and clearing, until next summer saw the whole country golden with the wheat crop. Everything prospered in the strange settlement. Above all, the great temple which they had erected in the centre of the city grew ever taller and larger.Nevada Mountains, where Jefferson Hope had prospected for silver.Eagle (Canon) Ravine, two miles from Ferrier’s ranch where Jefferson Hope had a mule and horses waiting for Lucy, John Ferrier, and himself to escape from the Mormons to Carson City.York College USA, where he worked as a janitor & sweeper-out. Also where he made the poison pills in their lab.Endowment House, where Jefferson Hope saw flags flow for Lucy’s wedding.In the central portion of the great North American Continent there lies an arid and repulsive desert, which for many a long year served as a barrier against the advance of civilization. From the Sierra Nevada to Nebraska, and from the Yellowstone River in the north to the Colorado upon the south.Illinois, Mormons, “We have come from Nauvoo, in the state of Illinois, where we had founded our temple.”

       Evidence & Clues:“Rache” written on the wall at both murder scenes. “‘Rache’ is the German word for revenge; so don’t lose your time looking for Miss Rachel.”“In this particular corner of the room a large piece had peeled off, leaving a yellow square of coarse plaster. Across this bare space there was scrawled in blood-red letters a single word—RACHE.”A lady’s wedding band found on Drebber’s body. “It’s a woman’s wedding ring.”—”The ring man, the ring: that was what he came back for.”“I remembered a German being found in New York with RACHE written up above him, and it was argued at the time in the newspapers that the secret societies must have done it. I guessed that what puzzled the New Yorkers would puzzle the Londoners.”“Found column.” “In Brixton Road, this morning,” it ran, “plain gold wedding ring, found in the roadway between the White Hart Tavern and Holland Grove. Apply Dr. Watson 221b, Baker Street, between eight and nine this evening.”Halliday’s Private Hotel, a ladder at the back of the Hotel which usually lay there was raised against one of the windows of the second floor, which was wide open.Telegram found in Stangerson’s pocket, dated from Cleveland about a month ago, containing the words “J.H. is in Europe.”“In Stangerson’s room on the window-sill a small chip ointment box containing a couple of pills.”—Of the two pills in that box, one was of the most deadly poison, and the other was entirely harmless.

       Motive:Revenge, for Stangerson murdering John Ferrier and Lucy dying of a broken heart over the death of her adopted father John Ferrier and the forced marriage to Enoch Drebber.

       Timeline:May 4th 1847, John Ferrier and young Lucy Ferrier, the only survivors of a group heading west, wandering and close to death in the Sierra are found and rescued by Brigham Young, Elder, Stangerson, and a very large group of Mormons moving west.Three days earlier, Lucy’s mother and twenty others of their party died from thirst and hunger.For twelve years Ferrier and Lucy had been with the Mormons in Utah when Jefferson Hope arrived.August 4th 1860, Joseph Stangerson murders John Ferrier, and Drebber takes Lucy to Salt Lake City to be his bride.1878, Watson obtains his degree of Doctor of Medicine and training prescribed for surgeons in the Army.Soon after, Watson is attached to Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers, in India as assistant surgeon. Later transferred to the Berkshires, serving there he is badly wounded. After months recovering at a hospital in Peshawar, it is determined he is too weak to serve and sent by ship to England.One month later, the ship Orontes lands Watson in Portsmouth.Nine months after arriving in London, Watson spending his time recuperating meets an old friend, Stamford, at the Criterion Bar. There Stamford tells Watson about Holmes and that he is also looking for a roommate. Before going to the hospital laboratory to meet Holmes they have lunch at the Holborn.Next day 12:00 p.m., Watson meets Holmes as they had arranged the day before at the hospital and together they go to see the rooms at Baker St.That evening Watson leaves his hotel and moves into Baker St. “That very evening I move my things around from the hotel.”Next morning, “On the following morning Sherlock Holmes followed me with several boxes and portmanteaus.”A week or so of no callers, and then many of different classes.Day Before March 3rd,8:00 p.m., Drebber and Stangerson leave Charpentier boardinghouse after living there for nearly three weeks, to catch the 9:15 Liverpool express from Euston Station.8:30 p.m., Drebber and Stangerson had been seen together at Euston Station.Having missed their train, Drebber returns to Charpentier’s boardinghouse drunk, forces his way in, and is very inappropriate with Alice. Arthur, her brother, hearing Alice scream chases Drebber from the house.10:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning, Constable Rance is on his beat.11:00 p.m. Constable Rance deals with a fight at White Hart Tavern.11:00 p.m., Madame Charpentier goes to bed, her son Arthur has not yet returned home.1st Day March 4th TuesdayTwenty years have passed since Jefferson Hope was to marry Lucy and all the events in Utah.One week earlier, Jefferson Hope had been told by a doctor that his aneurism would burst before many days passed.Nearer 1:00 a.m. than midnight, Jefferson Hope takes Drebber to the empty house off Brixton Rd and murders him.2:00 a.m. Constable Rance on his beat discovers Drebber’s body in the empty house at 3 Lauriston Gardens.Morning, Holmes and Watson sitting in Baker St. discuss Holmes’ abilities and methods. A Commissionaire arrives delivering a letter from Gregson requesting Holmes to come to Lauriston Gardens before noon—Holmes and Watson leave for Brixton Rd.Morning, Gregson telegraphs Cleveland inquiring about Drebber.Before 12:00 noon, at Lauriston Gardens, Holmes examines the crime scene, the victim’s body, and his personal effects.“It was one o’clock p.m. when we left No.3 Lauriston Gardens.”Afternoon, on the way to speak with Constable Rance at his home in Kennington Park Gate with Watson, Holmes first stops at a telegraph office sending a long telegraph.Afternoon, they arrive at Constable Rance’s home, where Holmes interviews him about the night before and his finding Drebber’s body. Leaving, Holmes and Watson stop for lunch and then return to Baker St. There Watson gets a couple hours’ sleep and Holmes attends Halle’s concert to hear Norman Neruda.Evening, “He was very late in returning—so late that I knew that the concert could not have detained him all the time. Dinner was on the table before he appeared.” Holmes tells Watson that he would be expecting a caller in response to a news ad he placed under Watson’s name in reference to finding a ring near Brixton Road.After 8:00 p.m., A Mrs. Sawyer calls at Baker St in reference to the found column ad about the gold wedding ring.Close upon 9:00 p.m., Mrs. Sawyer leaves Baker St with the ring and Holmes following her. Watson remained behind.10:00 p.m., Watson passing the time reading, heard the maid patter of to bed.11:00 p.m., He heard the landlady past his