R C Hilty


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lot easier to get there than on state ground.”

      “Well, yeah, they’re not used to getting shot at.”

      “Should have listen to my gut and quit after four. Just couldn’t resist that last one on my way out. He was chewing on a nut and chattering at me.”

      “Did it ever occur to you that it may have been best not to hunt there? Chances are, this wasn’t the first time the warden saw you. He knew you would be back. He just waited.”

      “How did you know this wasn’t my first time?”

      “The size of the squirrels your mom has been cooking. I was wondering where you were getting such big ones.”

      “I guess you know now. Think Mom waited supper on us?”

      “Your guess is as good as mine.”

      Dave parked the truck in the driveway. As they get out, Dave said, “After supper I’ll help you clean the squirrels.”

      “Thanks, Dad.”

      Mom had waited supper on them. Dave and Cat washed up before going to the kitchen table.

      As they all sat down to the table, Ben said, “See ya made it home, jailbird.”

      Betty said, “Ben!”

      “Well, she is.”

      Dave said, “All right, that’s enough.”

      Betty asked, “So what’s next?”

      Dave answered, “I have to take Cat down to the courthouse Monday morning. We will find out then.”

      After supper, Ben helped Betty with clearing the table and washing the dishes. Dave and Cat went out to clean the squirrels. By the time they got back into the house, the rest of the family were in bed. Cat brushed her teeth and goes to bed. She was worried, hoping she would get her rifle back and not lose her hunting privileges. Eventually, she fell asleep.

      Cat stood in front of the bench awaiting her fate.

      The judge hit the bench hard with his gavel and yelled, “Who do you think you are, poaching wildlife in my county? You will spend thirty days in jail no visitors, and I’m going to keep your rifle. Bailiff, put the cuffs on her and get her out of here, now!”

      Cat couldn’t believe it. All this for just a few squirrels? As she was taken away, she could hear her mom yelling from the back of the courtroom, “Caaaat… Caaaat… Cat!”

      All of a sudden, Cat sat straight up in bed, eyes wide open. She looked and saw Mom hovering over her.

      “Honey, you okay? You need to get up and get ready. You and your dad need to be at the courthouse at nine.”

      Cat replied, “Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Coffee made?”

      “Like every other morning. You sure you’re okay?”

      “Yeah, I am fine. I hope the hearing this morning goes better than the one last night.”

      “Bad dream?”

      “You could say that.”

      “Go ahead and get a cup of coffee. Your dad’s on the porch. Breakfast is about ready.”

      “Thanks, Mom.”


      Dave and Cat walked into the courtroom. Cat signed in then sat down beside Dave. It looked as though hers was the first case of the morning.

      Cat whispered to Dave, “I hope the judge had a good night’s sleep.”

      “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

      The bailiff said, “All rise. The Honorable Judge Paul Bean, presiding.”

      Everyone stood up. The judge entered and sat down. The people sat down.

      The bailiff said, “Court’s in session.”

      The bailiff handed the Judge Bean some papers. He read them over than nodded to the bailiff.

      Cat was called up to the bench.

      Judge Bean said, “I see you’re a minor. Is there a parent or guardian here with you?”

      “Yes, Your Honor. My dad is here with me.”

      “Very well, let’s get started. How do you plead?”

      “Guilty, Your Honor.”

      “Let’s see, Officer Conrad caught you coming out of the school’s habitat area with a rifle and five squirrels.”

      “Yes, Your Honor.”

      “You have violated several laws, hunting in prohibitive area, firearm on school property, among other state, local, and federal laws. Why were you hunting there? There are plenty other areas that are legal for you to hunt.”

      “Your Honor, to be honest, I couldn’t see any harm in it. The area is far enough away from the school. There were no other students in the area. Not only that, there are so many of them, plus they’re so fat.”

      “So you figured why not, who’s gonna notice?”

      “Yes, Your Honor.”

      “That’s all you have to say?”

      “I really don’t see the use of telling you that my family moved down here from New York because my dad lost his job. My parents don’t have a lot of money, so I use my hunting and fishing skills to help my parents with the food costs. Like I said, the squirrels there were so plentiful and fat it didn’t take long for me to get the next day’s supper. I will accept whatever the court decides.”

      Dave was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Judge Bean just found out what Dave had learned a long time ago with Cat. Don’t ask her to explain herself. Just give her the punishment you believe is fair. She’ll take it in stride and move on.

      In a way, Judge Bean was impressed with Cat. There had been plenty of juveniles that went through his courtroom. Most of the time they’d try to lie their way out of trouble. There was just something about Cat that he liked, the way that she accepted responsibility for her own actions. It was kind of refreshing to see a young person that was so honest and didn’t try to blame others for her actions. He had heard the rumor that she had broken Bob’s nose. Bob had been in court more than once. He was sure Bob had asked for it.

      Judge Bean stroking his chin stared at Cat. He looked down at the papers on the bench. His stare then went over to Dave, then back to Cat, not saying a word. The silence was deafening to Cat. Her thoughts went to the dream she had last night.

      After just a couple of minutes, but what seemed like hours to Cat, Judge Bean broke the silence.

      “Young lady, I have several options on a case such as this. Like I said, you violated local, state, and federal laws. You seem to be a good kid. You also take responsibility for your actions. I checked with the school. The teachers say you are a hardworking student. You seem to do your best to help your parents. I am going to drop all the charges except hunting in an unauthorized area. You were caught with five squirrels. I see no sense in fining you, as your parents would end up paying the fine. Therefore, I’m sentencing you to eight hours of community service. I walk by the town park every day. The benches need a good coat of paint. You will show up at the courthouse at eight thirty Saturday morning wearing appropriate clothing. I’ll take you down to the town garage where you will be given the tools and supplies you need.” He looked at Dave. “It’ll be your reasonability to make sure she is here.”

      Dave replied, “Yes, Your Honor.”

      “Are there any questions?”

      Cat asked, “When may I have my rifle back?”

      “When you have completed your service.”

      “Thank you.”
