Rodney Suggs

Love Is Blind

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extended hand, he extends his for the awkward handshake.

      “Iliana Thompson,” she finally said to David with every bit of confidence and sassiness in her voice.

      “David Mills. It is so nice to finally meet you, Iliana. Why don’t we all have a seat? I’m sure you are all just as hungry as I am.” David walked behind Iliana attempting to pull out her chair, but she rushed over pulling it out enough herself to slide in before he could assist.

      “So how have things been going with you?” David asked Janet.

      “Things have been great! Iliana is doing really good in school and is one of the top students in her class. I’ve been great as well if I can say so myself,” Janet said, smiling while running her fingers though her hair.

      “Well, it shows that you are doing very well.” After briefly gazing at Janet, David attempted to focus his attention on Iliana once more. “Iliana, you’re prettier than I imagined you’d be. I’m curious. Why didn’t you write to me?” he asked.

      “I didn’t know what to say to someone I had never met,” Iliana replied.

      “I can respect that. When they sent me away, your mother moved on, and I never had a chance to connect with you; so I apologize for that. Iliana, believe me when I tell you that this is just as hard for me as it is for you. I never meant to hurt either one of you. I made some bad choices in the past that cost me my family and my freedom.” David reached across the table placing his hand on top of Iliana’s. “All I can do now is ask for your forgiveness for not being there for you. Hopefully one day soon, you and I can develop a respectable bond with one another. My long-term goal is to one day have you recognize me as your father. Will you accept my apology?” David asked. Iliana kept her focus on this strange man’s hand that was holding hers while he poured his heart out to her. She looked up locking her eyes on David who sat patiently waiting for a response.

      “Yes, David, I accept your apology,” she said, pulling her hand slowly out from under his. “I will never consider you to be my father though. I just can’t imagine ever seeing you that way.”

      David leaned back in his chair stunned. His eyes immediately locked on Janet, who was sitting across from her daughter with her mouth wide open in disbelief at what she heard.

      “I guess I’ll just have to live with that. Maybe one day we can at least be friends. How about that?” he asked.

      Before responding, Iliana glanced in her mother’s direction. Janet sat there staring angrily with a tear running down her right eye. Not understanding why her mother was so upset, Iliana asked, “What did I do now?” She threw her hands up in defeat.

      “Shut your damn mouth! I think you’ve said enough this evening,” Janet snapped at her daughter. Iliana turned her head away from everyone at the table, fighting back tears of frustration.

      “Okay, okay, you two,” David replied. “This is our reunion, Janet. This is supposed to be our introduction, Iliana, but what this is not going to turn into is a family war. Janet, I see some things haven’t changed. You’re still a damn hot head,” David noted with laughter, attempting to lighten the mood.

      Janet exchanged a smile with David and then began laughing herself. She whispered to David, “I’m sorry.” Iliana sat staring at the table refusing to make eye contact with either of them.

      “Iliana, I’ve had a few discussions with your mother, and she has agreed that I can come pick you up on weekends in hopes of you and me getting to know each other.”

      Iliana’s eyes moved from the tablecloth back to David. Anger engulfed her body. She then looked at her mother who now had a smirk on her face as she observed her daughter’s reaction. “Does Dad know about this?” she asked her mom.

      “Dad? My dear, I think you mean Kahlil. He has no say in this matter. I’m your mother, and this is your father,” Janet scoffed, placing her hand on top of David’s. Tears that could no longer be held back flowed down the young fifteen-year-old’s face.

      “Excuse me. I have to use the bathroom,” she replied and then quickly left the room.

      “Janet, I thought you talked with Iliana about this like we discussed?” David asked once the door had closed.

      “There is no talking, David! She’s going to do what I tell her to do, and that’s it!” Janet snapped back at David.

      David sat at the table shaking his head in frustration. “That’s not what we talked about! So because you want to do shit your way, this is all fucked up. My child calling another man Dad really pisses me off!” David yelled.

      “David, Kahlil has been there for Iliana, so she considers him her father figure. He is all she really knows, so what the hell do you expect?!” Janet demanded.

      “What if the shoe was on the other foot and I had her calling another female Mom?”

      “So you’re seeing someone else?” Janet yelled.

      David dropped his head in frustration. “You know what, this conversation is over. Obviously, you’re only hearing about a third of what the hell I’m trying to explain to you, so I’m not going to go any deeper with this bullshit.” Out of the corner of his eye, David could see Iliana returning to the room. Walking in her direction until he was a good distance away from Janet, with a calm whisper, he began talking to his daughter, “Iliana, I want to apologize for everything that has happened. It was my understanding that you knew about the two of us getting together on weekends. Had I known you knew nothing about it, I wouldn’t have ambushed you with it. This dinner was to be a celebration since we are finally meeting for the first time,” he said.

      “It’s okay. Mom will never change her selfish ways,” Iliana said back to David.

      “Well, let’s try to recover from this and at least attempt to have a good dinner. I will talk more with your mother, so don’t feel like you’re being forced to spend time with me because that is not how I want it,” explained David.

      Chapter 10

      “Thank you for coming out to dinner. I hope it was somewhat enjoyable. Janet, you’re still as stunning as ever, even a little thicker,” David said as he leaned back looking at Janet’s butt.

      “Well, some things just get better with time,” Janet responded, flirting back.

      “I hope this is not our last time seeing one another,” David said.

      “Oh, it won’t be. You can count on that. Sorry for the little mishap during dinner,” Janet replied, cutting her eyes over to Iliana who was standing by the door ready to go. Janet and David hugged and kissed one another on the cheek before leaving the restaurant. Janet and Iliana sat in silence on the ride back home. About fifteen minutes from the house, Janet’s cell phone rang.

      “Hello?” Janet answered.

      “What’s up, love? How are things going with the dinner?” I asked.

      “Dinner went well. We’re actually on our way home as we speak.”

      Turning from the window, Iliana gawked at her mother with disgust. She couldn’t believe how she was on the phone outright lying.

      “Good, huh? So what was so good about it?” I asked.

      “Kahlil, I’m a little tired and I’m driving home, so I’ll call you back when I get in the house?” responded Janet.

      “Okay, I’ll just talk to you later then. Before I hang up, can you pass the phone to Iliana?” I requested. Without uttering another word, Janet passed the phone to her daughter.

      “Hi, Dad! How is New York?” Iliana asked in excitement.

      “Hi, sunshine. It’s busy here, but I should be finished within the next few days. I can’t wait to get back home to see you. I miss you so much,” I replied.

      “I miss