Various Authors

The Tanakh

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11.26-16.17 Isaiah 54.11-55.5 16.18-21.9 Isaiah 51.12-52.12 21.10-25.19 Isaiah 54.1-10 26.1- 29.8 Isaiah 60.1-22 29.9 -30.20 Isaiah 61.10-63.9 31.1 -30 Isaiah 55.6-56.8 32.1 -52 II Samuel 22 1-51 33.1 -34.12 Joshua 1.1-11 (1.1-9) New Year, 1st Day Genesis 21.1-34; Numbers 29.1-6 I Samuel 1.1-2.10 2d Day Genesis 22.1-24; Numbers 29.1-6 Jeremiah 31.2-20 Sabbath Shubah Weekly portion Hosea 14.2-10; Micah 7.18-20, or Hosea 14.2-10, Joel 2.15-17 (Hosea 14.2-10; Micah 7.18-20) Day of Atonement, Morning Leviticus 16.1-34; Numbers 29.7-11 Isaiah 57.14-58.14 Afternoon Leviticus 18.1-30 Jonah 1.1-4.11; Micah 7.18-20 Tabernacles, 1st Day Leviticus 22.26-23.44; Numbers 29.12-16 Zechariah 14.1-21 2d Day Leviticus 22.26-23.44; Numbers 29.12-16 I Kings 8.2-21 Sabbath During the Middle Days Daily portion from Numbers 29 Ezekiel 38.18-39.16 8th Day Deuteronomy 14.22-16.17 Numbers 29.35-30.1 I Kings 8.54-66 Rejoicing of the Law Deuteronomy 33.1-34.12; Genesis 1.1-2.3; Numbers 29.35-30.1 Joshua 1.1-18 (1.1-9) First Sabbath Hanukkah Weekly and Hanukkah portions Zechariah 2.14-4.7 Second Sabbath Hanukkah Weekly and Hanukkah portions I Kings 7.40-50 Shekalim Weekly portion; Exodus 30.11-16 II Kings 12.1-17 (11.17-12.17) Zakor Weekly portion; Deuteronomy 25.17-19 I Samuel 15.2-34 (15.1-34) Parah Weekly portion; Numbers 19.1-22 Ezekiel 36.16-38 (36.16-36) Ha-Hodesh Weekly portion; Exodus 12.1-20 Ezekiel 45.16-46.18 (45.18-46.15) Sabbath ha-Gadol Weekly portion Malachi 3.4-24 Passover, 1st Day Exodus 12.21-51; Numbers 28.16-25 Joshua 3.5-7; 5.2-6.1; 6.27 (5.2-6.1) 2nd Day Leviticus 22.26-23.44; Numbers 28.16-25 II Kings 23.1-9; 21-25 Sabbath During the Middle Days Exodus 33.12-34.26 Ezekiel 36.37-37.14 (37.1-14) 7th Day Exodus 13.17-15.26; Numbers 28.19-25 II Samuel 22.1-51 8th Day Deuteronomy 15.19-16.17;2 Numbers 28.19-25 Isaiah 10.32-12.6 Pentecost, 1st Day Exodus 19.1-20.23; Numbers 28.26-31 Ezekiel 1.1-28; 3.12 2d Day Deuteronomy 15.19-16.17;2 Numbers 28.26-31 Habakkuk 3.1-19 (2.20-3.19) Ninth of Ab, Morning Deuteronomy 4.25-40 Jeremiah 8.13-9.23 Afternoon Exodus 32.11-14; 34.1-10 Isaiah 55.6-56.8 (Hosea 14.2-10, Micah 7.18-20) Other Fasts Exodus 32.11-14; 34.1-10 Isaiah 55.6-56.8 (none) Sabbath and New Moon Weekly portion; Numbers 28.9-15 Isaiah 66.1-24 Sabbath immediately preceding New Moon Weekly portion I Samuel 20.18-42

      1. Parentheses indicate Sephardic ritual.

      2. 2.02.1 On Sabbath, 14.22-16.17


      GENESIS (Bereshit)

       Table of Contents

      1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. 3And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

      6And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.' 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from