
The Story of Burnt Njal

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CI. Of Thorgeir of Lightwater.

       Chapter CII. The Wedding of Hauskuld, the Priest of Whiteness.

       Chapter CIII. The Slaying of Hauskuld Njal's Son.

       Chapter CIV. The Slaying of Lyting's Brothers.

       Chapter CV. Of Amund the Blind.

       Chapter CVI. Of Valgard the Guileful.

       Chapter CVII. Of Mord and Njal's Sons.

       Chapter CVIII. Of the Slander of Mord Valgard's Son.

       Chapter CIX. Of Mord and Njal's Sons.

       Chapter CX. The Slaying of Hauskuld, the Priest of Whiteness.

       Chapter CXI. Of Hildigunna and Mord Valgard's Son.

       Chapter CXII. The Pedigree of Gudmund the Powerful.

       Chapter CXIII. Of Snorri the Priest, and His Stock.

       Chapter CXIV. Of Flosi Thord's Son.

       Chapter CXV. Of Flosi and Hildigunna.

       Chapter CXVI. Of Flosi and Mord and the Sons of Sigfus.

       Chapter CXVII. Njal and Skarphedinn Talk Together.

       Chapter CXVIII. Asgrim and Njal's Sons Pray Men for Help.

       Chapter CXIX. Of Skarphedinn and Thorkel Foulmouth.

       Chapter CXX. Of the Pleading of the Suit.

       Chapter CXXI. Of the Award of Atonement Between Flosi and Njal.

       Chapter CXXII. Of the Judges.

       Chapter CXXIII. An Attack Planned on Njal and His Sons.

       Chapter CXXIV. Of Portents.

       Chapter CXXV. Flosi's Journey from Home.

       Chapter CXXVI. Of Portents at Bergthorsknoll.

       Chapter CXXVII. The Onslaught on Bergthorsknoll.

       Chapter CXXVIII. Njal's Burning.

       Chapter CXXIX. Skarphedinn's Death.

       Chapter CXXX. Of Kari Solmund's Son.

       Chapter CXXXI. Njal's and Bergthora's Bones Found.

       Chapter CXXXII. Flosi's Dream.

       Chapter CXXXIII. Of Flosi's Journey and His Asking for Help.

       Chapter CXXXIV. Of Thorhall and Kari.

       Chapter CXXXV. Of Flosi and the Burners.

       Chapter CXXXVI. Of Thorgeir Craggeir.

       Chapter CXXXVII. Of Eyjolf Bolverk's Son.

       Chapter CXXXVIII. Of Asgrim, and Gizur, and Kari.

       Chapter CXXXIX. Of Asgrim and Gudmund.

       Chapter CXL. Of the Declarations of the Suits.

       Chapter CXLI. Now Men Go to the Courts.

       Chapter CXLII. Of Eyjolf Bolverk's Son.

       Chapter CXLIII. The Counsel of Thorhall Asgrim's Son.

       Chapter CXLIV. Battle at the Althing.

       Chapter CXLV. Of Kari and Thorgeir.

       Chapter CXLVI. The Award of Atonement with Thorgeir Craggeir.

       Chapter CXLVII. Kari Comes to Bjorn's House in the Mark.

       Chapter CXLVIII. Of Flosi and the Burners.

       Chapter CXLIX. Of Kari and Bjorn.

       Chapter CL. More of Kari and Bjorn.

       Chapter CLI. Of Kari and Bjorn and Thorgeir.

       Chapter CLII. Flosi Goes Abroad.

       Chapter CLIII. Kari Goes Abroad.

       Chapter CLIV. Gunnar Lambi's Son's Slaying.