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Famous Detectives On Christmas Duty - Ultimate Murder Mysteries for Holidays

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economical spirit did not permit her to mention the whole million dollars suggested by Julius.

      A flush crept over Mrs. Vandemeyer’s face.

      “What did you say?” she asked, her fingers playing nervously with a brooch on her breast. In that moment Tuppence knew that the fish was hooked, and for the first time she felt a horror of her own money-loving spirit. It gave her a dreadful sense of kinship to the woman fronting her.

      “A hundred thousand pounds,” repeated Tuppence.

      The light died out of Mrs. Vandemeyer’s eyes. She leaned back in her chair.

      “Bah!” she said. “You haven’t got it.”

      “No,” admitted Tuppence, “I haven’t—but I know some one who has.”


      “A friend of mine.”

      “Must be a millionaire,” remarked Mrs. Vandemeyer unbelievingly.

      “As a matter of fact he is. He’s an American. He’ll pay you that without a murmur. You can take it from me that it’s a perfectly genuine proposition.”

      Mrs. Vandemeyer sat up again.

      “I’m inclined to believe you,” she said slowly.

      There was silence between them for some time, then Mrs. Vandemeyer looked up.

      “What does he want to know, this friend of yours?”

      Tuppence went through a momentary struggle, but it was Julius’s money, and his interests must come first.

      “He wants to know where Jane Finn is,” she said boldly.

      Mrs. Vandemeyer showed no surprise.

      “I’m not sure where she is at the present moment,” she replied.

      “But you could find out?”

      “Oh, yes,” returned Mrs. Vandemeyer carelessly. “There would be no difficulty about that.”

      “Then”—Tuppence’s voice shook a little—“there’s a boy, a friend of mine. I’m afraid something’s happened to him, through your pal Boris.”

      “What’s his name?”

      “Tommy Beresford.”

      “Never heard of him. But I’ll ask Boris. He’ll tell me anything he knows.”

      “Thank you.” Tuppence felt a terrific rise in her spirits. It impelled her to more audacious efforts. “There’s one thing more.”


      Tuppence leaned forward and lowered her voice.

      “WHO IS MR. BROWN?”

      Her quick eyes saw the sudden paling of the beautiful face. With an effort Mrs. Vandemeyer pulled herself together and tried to resume her former manner. But the attempt was a mere parody.

      She shrugged her shoulders.

      “You can’t have learnt much about us if you don’t know that NOBODY KNOWS WHO MR. BROWN IS… .”

      “You do,” said Tuppence quietly.

      Again the colour deserted the other’s face.

      “What makes you think that?”

      “I don’t know,” said the girl truthfully. “But I’m sure.”

      Mrs. Vandemeyer stared in front of her for a long time.

      “Yes,” she said hoarsely, at last, “I know. I was beautiful, you see—very beautiful—”

      “You are still,” said Tuppence with admiration.

      Mrs. Vandemeyer shook her head. There was a strange gleam in her electric-blue eyes.

      “Not beautiful enough,” she said in a soft dangerous voice. “Not—beautiful—enough! And sometimes, lately, I’ve been afraid… . It’s dangerous to know too much!” She leaned forward across the table. “Swear that my name shan’t be brought into it—that no one shall ever know.”

      “I swear it. And, once’s he caught, you’ll be out of danger.”

      A terrified look swept across Mrs. Vandemeyer’s face.

      “Shall I? Shall I ever be?” She clutched Tuppence’s arm. “You’re sure about the money?”

      “Quite sure.”

      “When shall I have it? There must be no delay.”

      “This friend of mine will be here presently. He may have to send cables, or something like that. But there won’t be any delay—he’s a terrific hustler.”

      A resolute look settled on Mrs. Vandemeyer’s face.

      “I’ll do it. It’s a great sum of money, and besides”—she gave a curious smile—“it is not—wise to throw over a woman like me!”

      For a moment or two, she remained smiling, and lightly tapping her fingers on the table. Suddenly she started, and her face blanched.

      “What was that?”

      “I heard nothing.”

      Mrs. Vandemeyer gazed round her fearfully.

      “If there should be some one listening——”

      “Nonsense. Who could there be?”

      “Even the walls might have ears,” whispered the other. “I tell you I’m frightened. You don’t know him!”

      “Think of the hundred thousand pounds,” said Tuppence soothingly.

      Mrs. Vandemeyer passed her tongue over her dried lips.

      “You don’t know him,” she reiterated hoarsely. “He’s—ah!”

      With a shriek of terror she sprang to her feet. Her outstretched hand pointed over Tuppence’s head. Then she swayed to the ground in a dead faint.

      Tuppence looked round to see what had startled her.

      In the doorway were Sir James Peel Edgerton and Julius Hersheimmer.

      Chapter 13

       The Vigil

       Table of Contents

      SIR James brushed past Julius and hurriedly bent over the fallen woman.

      “Heart,” he said sharply. “Seeing us so suddenly must have given her a shock. Brandy—and quickly, or she’ll slip through our fingers.”

      Julius hurried to the washstand.

      “Not there,” said Tuppence over her shoulder. “In the tantalus in the dining-room. Second door down the passage.”

      Between them Sir James and Tuppence lifted Mrs. Vandemeyer and carried her to the bed. There they dashed water on her face, but with no result. The lawyer fingered her pulse.

      “Touch and go,” he muttered. “I wish that young fellow would hurry up with the brandy.”

      At that moment Julius re-entered the room, carrying a glass half full of the spirit which he handed to Sir James. While Tuppence lifted her head the lawyer tried to force a little of the spirit between her closed lips. Finally the woman opened her eyes feebly. Tuppence held the glass to her lips.

      “Drink this.”

      Mrs. Vandemeyer complied. The brandy brought the colour back to her white cheeks, and revived her in a marvellous fashion. She tried to sit up—then fell back with a groan, her hand to her side.
