Эдгар Аллан По

Famous Detectives On Christmas Duty - Ultimate Murder Mysteries for Holidays

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      “You told me yourself that your employer needed you not for the next few weeks.”

      “Oh, that’s all right. But this Mr. Renauld hints strongly that his business is private.”

      “Ta-ta-ta. I will manage M. Renauld. By the way, I seem to know the name?”

      “There’s a well-known South American millionaire fellow. His name’s Renauld. I don’t know whether it could be the same.”

      “But without doubt. That explains the mention of Santiago. Santiago is in Chile, and Chile it is in South America! Ah, but we progress finely.”

      “Dear me, Poirot,” I said, my excitement rising, “I smell some goodly shekels in this. If we succeed, we shall make our fortunes!”

      “Do not be too sure of that, my friend. A rich man and his money are not so easily parted. Me, I have seen a well-known millionaire turn out a tramful of people to seek for a dropped halfpenny.”

      I acknowledged the wisdom of this.

      “In any case,” continued Poirot, “it is not the money which attracts me here. Certainly it will be pleasant to have carte blanche in our investigations; one can be sure that way of wasting no time, but it is something a little bizarre in this problem which arouses my interest. You remarked the postscript? How did it strike you?”

      I considered.

      “Clearly he wrote the letter keeping himself well in hand, but at the end his self-control snapped and, on the impulse of the moment, he scrawled those four desperate words.”

      But my friend shook his head energetically.

      “You are in error. See you not that while the ink of the signature is nearly black, that of the postscript is quite pale?”

      “Well?” I said puzzled.

      “Mon Dieu, mon ami, but use your little grey cells! Is it not obvious? M. Renauld wrote his letter. Without blotting it, he reread it carefully. Then, not on impulse, but deliberately, he added those last words, and blotted the sheet.”

      “But why?”

      “Parbleu! so that it should produce the effect upon me that it has upon you.”


      “Mais, oui—to make sure of my coming! He reread the letter and was dissatisfied. It was not strong enough!”

      He paused, and then added softly, his eyes shining with that green light that always betokened inward excitement: “And so, mon ami, since that postscript was added, not on impulse, but soberly, in cold blood, the urgency is very great, and we must reach him as soon as possible.”

      “Merlinville,” I murmured thoughtfully. “I’ve heard of it, I think.”

      Poirot nodded.

      “It is a quiet little place—but chic! It lies about midway between Bolougne and Calais. It is rapidly becoming the fashion. Rich English people who wish to be quiet are taking it up. M. Renauld has a house in England, I suppose?”

      “Yes, in Rutland Gate, as far as I remember. Also a big place in the country, somewhere in Hertfordshire. But I really know very little about him, he doesn’t do much in a social way. I believe he has large South American interests in the City, and has spent most of his life out in Chile and the Argentino.”

      “Well, we shall hear all details from the man himself. Come, let us pack. A small suit-case each, and then a taxi to Victoria.”

      “And the Countess?” I inquired with a smile.

      “Ah! je m’en fiche! Her case was certainly not interesting.”

      “Why so sure of that?”

      “Because in that case she would have come, not written. A woman cannot wait—always remember that, Hastings.”

      Eleven o’clock saw our departure from Victoria on our way to Dover. Before starting Poirot had despatched a telegram to Mr. Renauld giving the time of our arrival at Calais. “I’m surprised you haven’t invested in a few bottles of some sea sick remedy, Poirot,” I observed maliciously, as I recalled our conversation at breakfast.

      My friend, who was anxiously scanning the weather, turned a reproachful face upon me.

      “Is it that you have forgotten the method most excellent of Laverguier? His system, I practise it always. One balances oneself, if you remember, turning the head from left to right, breathing in and out, counting six between each breath.”

      “H’m,” I demurred. “You’ll be rather tired of balancing yourself and counting six by the time you get to Santiago, or Buenos Ayres, or wherever it is you land.”

      “Quelle idée! You do not figure to yourself that I shall go to Santiago?”

      “Mr. Renauld suggests it in his letter.”

      “He did not know the methods of Hercule Poirot. I do not run to and fro, making journeys, and agitating myself. My work is done from within—here—” he tapped his forehead significantly.

      As usual, this remark roused my argumentative faculty.

      “It’s all very well, Poirot, but I think you are falling into the habit of despising certain things too much. A finger-print has led sometimes to the arrest and conviction of a murderer.”

      “And has, without doubt, hanged more than one innocent man,” remarked Poirot dryly.

      “But surely the study of finger-prints and footprints, cigarette ash, different kinds of mud, and other clues that comprise the minute observation of details—all these are of vital importance?”

      “But certainly. I have never said otherwise. The trained observer, the expert, without doubt he is useful! But the others, the Hercules Poirots, they are above the experts! To them the experts bring the facts, their business is the method of the crime, its logical deduction, the proper sequence and order of the facts; above all, the true psychology of the case. You have hunted the fox, yes?”

      “I have hunted a bit, now and again,” I said, rather bewildered by this abrupt change of subject. “Why?”

      “Eh bien, this hunting of the fox, you need the dogs, no?”

      “Hounds,” I corrected gently. “Yes, of course.”

      “But yet,” Poirot wagged his finger at me. “You did not descend from your horse and run along the ground smelling with your nose and uttering loud Ow Ows?”

      In spite of myself I laughed immoderately. Poirot nodded in a satisfied manner.

      “So. You leave the work of the d— hounds to the hounds. Yet you demand that I, Hercule Poirot, should make myself ridiculous by lying down (possibly on damp grass) to study hypothetical footprints, and should scoop up cigarette ash when I do not know one kind from the other. Remember the Plymouth Express mystery. The good Japp departed to make a survey of the railway line. When he returned, I, without having moved from my apartments, was able to tell him exactly what he had found.”

      “So you are of the opinion that Japp wasted his time.”

      “Not at all, since his evidence confirmed my theory. But I should have wasted my time if I had gone. It is the same with so called ‘experts.’ Remember the handwriting testimony in the Cavendish Case. One counsel’s questioning brings out testimony as to the resemblances, the defence brings evidence to show dissimilarity. All the language is very technical. And the result? What we all knew in the first place. The writing was very like that of John Cavendish. And the psychological mind is faced with the question ‘Why?’ Because it was actually his? Or because some one wished us to think it was his? I answered that question, mon ami, and answered it correctly.”

      And Poirot, having effectually silenced,