Various Authors

A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems

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Scholar Recruit

       The Red Hills

       Dreaming of a Dead Lady

       The Liberator


       Winter Night

       The Rejected Wife

       People hide their Love

       The Ferry

       The Waters of Lung-t'ou

       Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River

       Tchirek Song

       Business Men

       Tell me now

       On Going to a Tavern

       Stone Fish Lake


       A Protest in the Sixth Year of Ch'ien Fu

       On the Birth of his Son

       The Pedlar of Spells

       Boating in Autumn

       The Herd-Boy

       How I sailed on the Lake till I came to the Eastern Stream

       A Seventeenth-century Chinese Poem

       The Little Cart


       An Early Levée

       Being on Duty all night in the Palace and dreaming of the Hsien-yu Temple

       Passing T'ien-mēn Street in Ch'ang-an and seeing a distant View of Chung-nan Mountain

       The Letter

       Rejoicing at the Arrival of Ch'ēn Hsiung

       Golden Bells

       Remembering Golden Bells


       The Dragon of the Black Pool

       The Grain-tribute

       The People of Tao-chou

       The Old Harp

       The Harper of Chao

       The Flower Market

       The Prisoner

       The Chancellor's Gravel-drive

       The Man who Dreamed of Fairies


       The Two Red Towers

       The Charcoal-seller

       The Politician

       The Old Man with the Broken Arm

       Kept waiting in the Boat at Chiu-k'ou Ten Days by an adverse Wind

       On Board Ship: Reading Yüan Chēn's Poems

       Arriving at Hsün-yang

       Madly Singing in the Mountains

       Releasing a migrant "Yen" (Wild Goose)

       To a Portrait Painter who desired him to sit


       Having climbed to the topmost Peak of the Incense-burner Mountain

       Eating Bamboo-shoots

       The Red Cockatoo

       After Lunch

       Alarm at first entering the Yang-tze Gorges