Эдгар Аллан По

The Complete Poetry

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written early in 1849, and is evidently an expression of the poet's undying love for his deceased bride although at least one of his lady admirers deemed it a response to her admiration. Poe sent a copy of the ballad to the Union Magazine, in which publication it appeared in January 1850, three months after the author's death. Whilst suffering from "hope deferred" as to its fate, Poe presented a copy of "Annabel Lee" to the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger, who published it in the November number of his periodical, a month after Poe's death. In the meantime the poet's own copy, left among his papers, passed into the hands of the person engaged to edit his works, and he quoted the poem in an obituary of Poe in the New York Tribune, before any one else had an opportunity of publishing it.

      Note on A Valentine

      "A Valentine," one of three poems addressed to Mrs. Osgood, appears to have been written early in 1846.

      Note on An Enigma

      "An Enigma," addressed to Mrs. Sarah Anna Lewig ("Stella"), was sent to that lady in a letter, in November 1847, and the following March appeared in Sartain's Union Magazine.

      Note on To My Mother

      The sonnet, "To My Mother" (Maria Clemm), was sent for publication to the short-lived Flag of our Union, early in 1849, but does not appear to have been issued until after its author's death, when it appeared in the Leaflets of Memory for 1850.

      Note on For Annie

      "For Annie" was first published in the Flag of our Union, in the spring of 1849. Poe, annoyed at some misprints in this issue, shortly afterwards caused a corrected copy to be inserted in the Home Journal.

      Note on To F——

      "To F——" (Frances Sargeant Osgood) appeared in the Broadway Journal for April 1845. These lines are but slightly varied from those inscribed "To Mary," in the Southern Literary Messenger for July 1835, and subsequently republished, with the two stanzas transposed, in Graham's Magazine for March 1842, as "To One Departed."

      Note on To Frances S. Osgood

      "To F—s S. O—d," a portion of the poet's triune tribute to Mrs. Osgood, was published in the Broadway Journal for September 1845. The earliest version of these lines appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger for September 1835, as "Lines written in an Album," and was addressed to Eliza White, the proprietor's daughter. Slightly revised, the poem reappeared in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine for August, 1839, as "To ——."

      Note on Eldorado

      Although "Eldorado" was published during Poe's lifetime, in 1849, in the Flag of our Union, it does not appear to have ever received the author's finishing touches.

      Note on Eulalie

      "Eulalie—a Song" first appears in Colton's American Review for July, 1845.

      Note on A Dream within a Dream

      "A Dream within a Dream" does not appear to have been published as a separate poem during its author's lifetime. A portion of it was contained, in 1829, in the piece beginning, "Should my early life seem," and in 1831 some few lines of it were used as a conclusion to "Tamerlane." In 1849 the poet sent a friend all but the first nine lines of the piece as a separate poem, headed "For Annie."

      Note on To Marie Louise (Shew)

      "To M—— L—— S——," addressed to Mrs. Marie Louise Shew, was written in February 1847, and published shortly afterwards. In the first posthumous collection of Poe's poems these lines were, for some reason, included in the "Poems written in Youth," and amongst those poems they have hitherto been included.

      Note on the second poem entitled To Marie Louise (Shew)

      "To——," a second piece addressed to Mrs. Shew, and written in 1848, was also first published, but in a somewhat faulty form, in the above named posthumous collection.

      Note on The City in the Sea

      Under the title of "The Doomed City" the initial version of "The City in the Sea" appeared in the 1831 volume of Poems by Poe: it reappeared as "The City of Sin," in the Southern Literary Messenger for August 1835, whilst the present draft of it first appeared in Colton's American Review for April, 1845.

      Note on The Sleeper

      As "Irene," the earliest known version of "The Sleeper," appeared in the 1831 volume. It reappeared in the Literary Messenger for May 1836, and, in its present form, in the Broadway Journal for May 1845.

      Note on The Bridal Ballad

      "The Bridal Ballad" is first discoverable in the Southern Literary Messenger for January 1837, and, in its present compressed and revised form, was reprinted in the Broadway Journal for August, 1845.

      Poems of Manhood

       Table of Contents


       To One in Paradise

       The Coliseum

       The Haunted Palace

       The Conqueror Worm



       To Zante




       Table of Contents

      Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!

       Let the bell toll!—a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river.

       And, Guy de Vere, hast thou no tear?—weep now or never more! See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore! Come! let the burial rite be read—the funeral song be sung!— An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young— A dirge for her, the doubly dead in that she died so young. "Wretches! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride, And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her—that she died! How shall