Vasily Varga

Chords obscurantism. Volume one

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a lot of money. And you think this is the right candidate?

      He pressed the call button.

      – Hoffman to me.

      General Hoffmann entered.

      – How does your ZUZIK? Report to us.

      “A high-class scoundrel. He quarreled with everyone. He’s been sitting around and snitching. He was given a dark night twice. But he is the head of the Bolshevik party, and the Bolshevik party stands for Russia’s defeat in the war with Germany. I look at it negatively. He has Russian citizenship. How can this be done? He had already begun to propagandize that his Bolshevik party favored the defeat of Russia in the war with Germany. You can’t find a better scoundrel.

      “I see that you agree, Minister,” Parvus said more confidently. – But in order to work out according to this plan, it is necessary that Germany allocate 50 million marks for the coup, for the maintenance of the Communist party and for the relocation of Lenin and his gang to the capital of Russia, Petrograd. They should be given a bulletproof, sealed car and allowed to pass through the front line.

      The Minister promised to allocate this amount within ten days.

                                             * * *

      At this time Lenin was already writing small articles in small Newspapers about the Bolshevik party’s support for Russia’s defeat in the war with Germany. These small articles were thrown over the front line into the trenches, fell into the hands of soldiers, natives of the peasants and workers, and were read out at meetings to applause.

      – Correctly Lyalin calls, necha to fight with each other, it is necessary to fraternize. All men are brothers.


      “Our party stands for the defeat of Russia in this war. When Russia is put on its back, the Bolsheviks will seize power and it will be possible to turn the imperialist war into a civil one.

      Russian Russian troops are successful on the Russo-German front, and then the Russian troops push the Germans back. Why not take advantage of these changes in the interests of the world revolution? What if we could bring Russia to its knees, put its army from within, to overthrow the king and seize power? And the Germans, as a sign of gratitude, will allocate funds, because who can help implement a brilliant plan? Of Course, Germany. Germany should defeat Russia and the Bolsheviks provides it with an invaluable service”.

      Lenin did not sleep for two nights and made a plan (based on the plan of Parvus), which was destined to be realized. He actually only put extra commas, and amplified sentences by repeating the same words. He stole this plan from him, just as he would later steal the slogan from the social revolutionaries: Peace to the people, land to the peasants, factories and factories to the workers.

      In these circumstances, the question arose: who should implement the plan of Parvus-Parvus himself or he, Lenin? Who should I bet on? On Parvus? No! where is this Parvus? Where is ganetsky, serve Parvus and ganetsky! We must negotiate. The bet must be placed on him, on Lenin!

      Ganetsky came running, but Parvus could not be found during the day with fire.

      “Proud, you rascal. Judge him by a revolutionary court, as the prostitute who dared to insult the leader of the world revolution, that is, me.

      “Vladimir Ilyich,” said Fusternbergganetsky in a trembling voice, as he saw the muscles of Lenin’s face tighten, the lines on his face smooth out, and his eyes pop out of their sockets. – Parvus collects money from theaters that stage Gorky’s play “at the bottom” in Germany. Gorky gave such an order, he wants to help the world revolution and his friend, that is, you, Vladimir Ilyich. Twenty percent goes to the author of the play, twenty to Parvus, and the rest goes to the party register, as I have already told you. Maxim Gorky is your friend, he is a friend of the world revolution and my friend. And you wanted to hang him for it… as a token of gratitude, so to speak. That is, I mean Parvus, our breadwinner, the Saviour of the revolution.

      “That scoundrel is Bitter. You need to give all your money, like me, for example. You bring me whole bags, and I give them to the cause of the world revolution.

      After a well-expressed thought, ganetsky began to smooth his paces, and when he smoothed his paces, Lenin already knew that ganetsky was thirsty, his throat was dry.

      “You don’t understand jokes, ganetsky! Gorky and I rested in Capri and argued and argued. He demanded that the party call Marx by his real name Mordychai, and I objected. Marx is almost the world, and Mordichai black Jew, you know?


      Zinoviev, that is, Apfelbaum, had returned from Paris before his time, looking battered, battered, scratched, with a large bruise under his left eye, limping on his right leg, as if seeking help from someone. He must have been picked on somewhere along the way, because he liked to harass ladies accompanied by gentlemen, introduced himself unnecessarily, and immediately inquired the name of the lady.

      Not always did this behavior get away with the impudent Jew, who liked to take the bull by the horns. This time he had the audacity to whisper in the lady’s ear that he was up to his knees. The lady, half in joy, half in terror, exclaimed, “George, help me out!”

      Georges did not knock out the revolutionary himself; he merely nodded to the two guards who accompanied him.

      The worst thing that happened was that Gershon wetted his underpants so profusely that trickles ran down his sandals, which threw him into an area of shame and discomfort. He had to take off his sandals, wring out his socks, and put them on his bare feet.

      After passing two houses and seeing another couple: a short man in a straw hat, and a lady with painted lips, looked at him, and he read on her face: I want you, and immediately rushed to the diner, followed the couple, immediately ordered two glasses of tea and warmed up. The lady noticed his bare feet and immediately turned away with disdain. “Um, it didn’t work out,” he said aloud and ran to Lenin, whom he hadn’t seen for two weeks.

      – What’s up, Gershon?” Why the black eye? the chief asked. – You must have been whipped by the bourgeoisie for preaching in the square when you called for a world revolution.

      – At the barricades fought. At the heart of Paris. We were three Jews with sticks, and there were about two dozen of us. It’s a good thing they didn’t. We were saved by singing the Marseillaise. The Japanese understood from the melody that we were representatives of the proletariat. Volodya, but I had to wet my pants. They are still wet. Do you have any extra clothes?

      – What isn’t, isn’t. I suffer myself. I only get new trousers twice a week, but I should have them every day. My trousers are always wet. I suffer from incontinence, leader of the world proletariat. If you want, my suit is in the trash, I just changed it. I hope my trousers are dry. Why are there no socks? You’re lying, Gershon, and you haven’t even blinked an eye, “Lenin advanced, squinting his left eye.

      “What would you do without me?” – Gershon asked a provocative question.

      “Gershon, don’t brag or lie. Probably hit someone and got it in the snout. The way to do it. Did you bring money? We are catastrophically short of money, and without money you can’t make a revolution.

      – Our book was published in Paris, but it only contains your name, and we both worked harder than you. Gibberish, however, turned out, but it justifies the name “What to do”.

      – You worked hard, I’m sure, but I was thinking. These are my thoughts in this great work, not yours. you haven’t grown up to be the leader of the world revolution. Let’s sit down, let’s make edits, remove inaccuracies, there are a lot of our assumptions, and life makes adjustments…


      Gershon paused. I realized that it was useless to argue.