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Levitsky S. The Dynamics of Autocratic Coercion after the Cold War // Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 2006. Vol. 39. № 3.


      Greene S. The End of Ambiguity in Russia // Current History. 2015. Vol. 114. № 774.


      Way L. A. Pluralism by Default: Weak Autocrats and the Rise of Competitive Politics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015.


      Gontmaher E., Ross C. The Middle Class and Democratization in Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 2015. Vol. 67. № 2; см. также: Colton T. Paradoxes of Putinism // Daedalus. 2017. Vol. 146. № 2.


      Hanson S. The Evolution of Regimes: What Can Twenty-Five Years of Post-Soviet Change Teach Us? // Perspectives on Politics. 2017. Vol. 15. № 2.


      См., например: Foa R. Modernization and Authoritarianism // Journal of Democracy. 2018. Vol. 20. № 3.


      Guriev S., Zhuravskaya E. Why Russia is Not South Korea // Journal of International Affairs. 2010. Vol. 63. № 3. См. также: Starodubtsev A. Federalism and Regional Policy in Contemporary Russia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.


      Colton T. Paradoxes of Putinism // Daedalus. 2017. Vol. 146. № 2. См. также: Melville A. The Illiberal World Order and Russian Liberal // Dimensions and Challenges of Russian Liberalism: Historical Drama and New Prospects / R. Cucciolla (ed.). Cham: Springer, 2019.


      Petrov N. The Political Mechanics of the Russian Regime: Substitutes Versus Institutions // Russian Politics and Law. 2011 Vol. 49. № 2.


      См.: Geddes B. A Comparative Perspective on the Leninist Legacy in Eastern Europe // Comparative Political Studies. 1995. № 28; Hellman J. Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Postcommunist Transitions // World Politics. 1998. Vol. 50. № 2; Frye T. In From the Cold: Institutions and Causal Inference in Postcommunist Studies // The Annual Review of Political Science. 2012. № 15.


      The New Autocracy. Information, Politics, and Policy in Putin’s Russia / D. Treisman (ed.). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2018.


      Guriev S. How Transitional Institutions Could Transform Russia’s Economy. 2017; http://carnegie.ru/commentary/74790.


      См.: Kitschelt H. Formation of Party Cleavages in Postcommunist Democracies: Theoretical Propositions // Party Politics. 1995. Vol. 1. № 4; Makarenko B. The Role of Elections in Democracy // Democracy in a Russian Mirror / A. Przeworski (ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.


      Reuter O. J. The Origins of Dominant Parties: Building Authoritarian Institutions in Post-Soviet Russia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


      Moller J., Skaaning S.-E. Stateness First? // Democratization. 2011. Vol. 18. № 1.


      Bratton M., Chang E. State Building and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Forwards, Backwards, or Together? // Comparative Political Studies. 2006. Vol. 39. № 9.


      Back H., Hadenius A. Democracy and State Capacity: Exploring a J-Shaped Relationship // Governance; An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions. 2008. Vol. 21. № 1.


      Melville A., Mironyuk M. «Bad Enough Governance»: State Capacity and Quality of Institutions in Post-Soviet Autocracies // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2016. Vol. 32. № 2.


      Hellman J. Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Postcommunist Transitions.


      Roeder Ph. G. Varieties of Post-Soviet Authoritarian Regimes // Post-Soviet Affairs. 1994. Vol. 10. № 1.


      Hale H. E. Patronal Politics. Eurasian Regime Change Dynamics in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.


      The New Autocracy. Information, Politics, and Policy in Putin’s Russia / D. Treisman (ed.). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2018.




      Democracy Facing Global Challenges. V-Dem Institute, University of Gothenburg, 2020.


      Элиас Н. О процессе цивилизации. Социогенетические и психогенетические исследования. Изменение в поведении высшего слоя мирян в странах Запада. М.; СПб.: Университетская книга, 2001. Т. 1–2.


      Бергер П., Лукман Т. Социальное конструирование реальности. Трактат по социологии знания / Пер. с англ. М.: Academia-Центр; Медиум, 1995. C. 87.


      Сатаров Г. А. Как возможны социальные изменения: Обсуждение одной гипотезы // Общественные науки и современность. 2006. № 3. С. 23–39.


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