Raphael Kaplinsky

Sustainable Futures

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Entrepreneurship: Turning Fantasy into Fact 9.2 The Private Sector Provides the Motive Power, the State is at the Steering Wheel (and Sometimes Pays for the Petrol) Beyond the private sector 9.3 Building Coalitions for Change 9.4 Change Is Cumulative 9.5 How to Jump Over Walls Synergistic interventions Governments must act decisively and with vision Confronting reactionary power bases 9.6 Sequencing and Priorities: The Two-Shot Stimulus to a Paradigm Change and the Rebuilding of a Sustainable World The trigger for change Notes

      19  Index

      20  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Average annual economic growth rates: World, US and Europe (%)

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Extent and character of migrant inflows in ten high-income economies

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Range of approximate CO2 emissions per unit of electricity produced, ...Table 4.2 Projected impacts of global warming at increase of 1.5 °C and 2 °C

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Post-tax wages in global economies, March 2009 ($)

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The expansion of Gross Domestic Product, 1961–2018: World, US and Europe ...Figure 2.2 Share of investment in equipment and other physical assets (Gross Capital Format...Figure 2.3 Annual growth of labour productivity, 1951–2019Figure 2.4 Balance of payments: largest debtor and surplus economies, 1998–2019 (...Figure 2.5 Corporate tax rate: France, Germany, US, UK, Japan and Sweden, 1981–2019 ...

      2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Top 1% personal wealth share in emerging and rich countries, 1913–2015Figure 3.2 Changes in global inequality, 1980–2016Figure 3.3 Share of labour in total national income, high-income economies, 1960–201...Figure 3.4a Life-expectancy and inequality, 22 OECD economiesFigure 3.4b Life-expectancy and inequality, 50 US statesFigure 3.5 Health and social problems and degree of inequality, inter-country differencesFigure 3.6 Index of status inequality and degree of inequalityFigure 3.7 Index of social participation and degree of inequalityFigure 3.8 Index of civic participation and degree of inequalityFigure 3.9 Belief in conspiracy theories, US and UKFigure 3.10 Inflows of migrants, selected high-income economies, 2006–2016 (millions)Figure 3.11 Immigrant share of population and far-right voting %

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The Holocene in historical perspective: not just warm temperatures but stable te...Figure 4.2 The Great AccelerationFigure 4.3 Take, Make, Use and WasteFigure 4.4 Energy equivalent global output of different energy forms, 1800–2019 (ter...Figure 4.5 The growth in global total resource supply, 1970–2010 (million tonnes)Figure 4.6 Index of energy efficiency in the EU, 1990–2014 (1990 = 100)Figure 4.7 Variation of CO2 emissions from transport in the EU, 1990 and 2010 (m...Figure 4.8 US advertising expenditure, 1900–2007 ($m)Figure 4.9 Rising frequency of natural disasters, 1980–2017

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Six phases of techno-economic paradigmsFigure 5.2 US corporate profitability as share of domestic income, 1951–1966 and 196...Figure 5.3 US corporate profitability as share of domestic income, 1990–2007 (post-t...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Six phases of techno-economic paradigms

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Broadband connections per 100 inhabitants, 2005–2018Figure 7.2 The global share of different energy sources, 1971–2014Figure 7.3 Frequency and cost escalation of electricity infrastructure projects (based on a...Figure 7.4 The Zambezi river basinFigure 7.5 Global average annual net capacity additions by energy sourceFigure 7.6 Wheat and barley crop yields in UK agriculture, 1948–2017 (tonnes/hectare...Figure 7.7 Sources of productivity growth in UK agriculture, 1973–2019 (1973 = 100)Figure 7.8 ‘Tom’ gathering data on soil and weeds

      7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Levels of circularity: the 10 RsFigure 8.2 Total UK tax receipts, 2018–2019 (£bn)


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  i

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  vii

      6  viii

      7  ix

      8  x

      9  xii

      10  xiii
