Tatsuki Ohji Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites Подробнее
Roger Narayan Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites Подробнее
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Proceedings of the 2014 Energy Materials Conference Подробнее
Narottam Bansal P. Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites VII Подробнее
Amit Bandyopadhyay Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites V Подробнее
Brian Mitchell S. An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials Engineers Подробнее
Professor Stallinga Peter Electrical Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices Подробнее
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) Guidelines for Initiating Events and Independent Protection Layers in Layer of Protection Analysis Подробнее