Helen Blasweiler Das Verbot von Kinderehen und dessen Auswirkungen auf das Familien- und Erbrecht Подробнее
Dorota Mihulka In Search of Identity and Spirituality in the Fiction of American Jewish Female Authors at the Turn of the 21st Century Подробнее
Dorota Mihulka In Search of Identity and Spirituality in the Fiction of American Jewish Female Authors at the Turn of the 21st Century Подробнее
Immanuel Seyferth Zwischen Dokumentation und Fiktion: Die Kongoreise von André Gide und Marc Allégret Подробнее
Lukasz Bolesta In Search of a Model for the Legal Protection of a Whistleblower in the Workplace in Poland. A legal and comparative study Подробнее
Lukasz Bolesta In Search of a Model for the Legal Protection of a Whistleblower in the Workplace in Poland. A legal and comparative study Подробнее
Roberto Peressin La versione greca dellorazione Pro Archia poeta di Mikołaj Żórawski (1632) Подробнее