Адриан Вебстер

Sort Your Brain Out

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0af41ef9-75ae-55f8-acad-a126cbc1f668">Do it for your brain's sake Consistent high performance Unsung benefits Your natural opiates and cannabinoids Enter the iceman Molecules of movement Exploration mode Better out than in Return of the iceman Chapter takeaways

      15  All Aboard the Stress Express! Stress is not the enemy Cortisol the motivator Postponing battle Who's driving your train? “Trying” to get to sleep? Sixty crucial minutes Bedroom detective Chapter takeaways

      16  “Smart” Drugs Everyone's on drugs! On top of the world Not so smart drugs in schools Whistle while you work Nootropic drugs: big dilemmas, grave outcomes The original smart drug Full of beans Brewing for survival Changing perspectives Fixing up the wear and tear Chapter takeaways

      17  Get Yourself Connected Help, I need somebody! Mind readers Emotional broadcast Facial feedback Rapport radar Loneliness kills Grooming and gossip You disgust me! Nurture your networks Being more social Diversity pays dividends Two buckets Chapter takeaways

      18  Mind over Matter A spectacular sham Optimism bias Placebo power Secrets of happiness Beware the news Mind‐wandering: vice or virtue? Attention! Mind management Helicopter ride Optimal prime Chapter takeaways

      19  Hold onto Your Marbles Over the hill Putting the brakes on Brain attack Brain‐bolstering activities Building cognitive reserve Alzheimer's disease versus Alzheimer's dementia What exactly is cognitive reserve? Redundancy in the brain Chapter takeaways

      20  What's Next? The crystal ball of brain tech What could possibly hold anyone back? The feedback we received and the impact it had Repetition rules Photo albums Believing is seeing?

      21  Appendix: Brain Tube Maps for Easy Reference

      22  Acknowledgements

      23  About the Authors Adrian Webster

      24  About the Illustrator

      25  Index
