Bruce B. Lawrence

Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit

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to working against exclusive forms of national, ethnic, or local identity. What is presupposed and promoted is the vision of a cosmopolis, a global community of like-minded citizens, and that runs the risk of alienating or subjugating minorities, as Hannah Arendt has argued. It is precisely a resolute, if often unacknowledged, nationalist spirit that made cosmopolitanism impossible because it created the nation in terms of what it is not, that is, newly minted minorities without the rights of the majority. Cosmopolitanism becomes a form of neo-tribalism for elites only, caught between an imperial past and a totalitarian headwind.14 Suffusing all these definitional efforts is the thrust of a cosmopolitan ethos, and because it is an aspiration, like every ethical norm, it is more readily sensed in its adjectival than in its nominal form; the -ism suggests an ideological closure that the adjective resists. In the interest of openness, I speak of Islamicate cosmopolitan, not Islamicate cosmopolitanism. The frame in which I locate each Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit is the historical trajectory and capacious context of Islamicate civilization.

      Why Civilization? Because Every Cosmopolitan Has Civilizational Roots

      Why Spirit? Because Islamicate Cosmopolitan is Fluid and Restless

      The rapid spread of Islam in the 7th century compelled its conquering forces to adapt to multiple civilizations as far west as Spain and as far east as China. Islamicate civilization from the outset evinces a cosmopolitan ethos marked by the two key traits of longing and belonging. The belonging is always a reflex of power, the privilege of literacy and mobility but also the benefits of imperial patronage. All premodern Islamicate cosmopolitans benefited from hierarchical social-political structures. Yet that benefit did not limit their horizons, for allied with belonging was longing, the longing for something more, a surplus of benefit to humankind beyond their immediate time/space frame.

      It is that surplus of benefit, which is also a higher level of meaning, that requires a further adjective as qualifier. To explore and try to explain Islamicate cosmopolitan one must recognize not just its origins but also its aspiration. There was never a fixed horizon. It was always an elan, a spirit, and cosmopolitans themselves, whatever their time/space belonging, remain spirited agents of change, delineated by their period and place in the canvas of human history but not delimited in their imagination or aspiration for a humane world order feels too generalized. To corral them as parochial, territorial, or ideological is to deny them their own deepest longing: to project beyond the limits of their loyalties to affirm others whatever their loyalties. They are less Islamicate cosmopolitan “national” subjects than aspiring agents of a multilingual, transnational Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit, both Persian and Arab, both Iranian and Semitic, heirs to others, harbingers of many others.

      Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit as Fuzzy or Barzakh Logic