1.2.7 Avoid vagueness, sensationalism and exaggeration
1.3 Words for writing scientific English
1.4 Take-home messages from Chapter 1
Writing clear scientific English
2.1 Eight guidelines for improving your writing technique
2.1.2 Use a clean and legible layout
2.1.5 Write positive sentences
2.1.8 Read and think about your work
2.2 Just to make you feel better
2.3 Take-home messages from Chapter 2
3.1 Summarising the text “Fighting for Breath”
3.2 Improving four summaries of “Fighting for Breath”
3.3 Writing abstracts for scientific presentations
3.6 Improving four texts on “What is science?”
3.7 The five most common commands and comments from improved texts in Chapter 3
3.8 Take-home messages from Chapter 3
Constructing a scientific manuscript
4.1 The process of publishing original data in a scientific manuscript
4.2 Planning a scientific manuscript
4.3 Writing a scientific manuscript
4.3.1 Prepare the figures and tables
4.3.2 Describe the figures and tables
4.3.3 Write a first draft of the “results”
4.3.4 Write a first draft of the “discussion”
4.3.5 What about writing a combined section entitled “results and discussion”?
4.3.6 Write a first draft of the “introduction”
4.3.7 Write a first draft of the “title”, the “abstract” and the “keywords”
4.3.8 Write a first draft of “materials and methods”
4.3.9 List and sort the references
4.3.10 Write the “acknowledgements”
4.3.11 Write the “abbreviations”
4.4 Assembling and improving the model manuscript
4.4.1 First draft of the model manuscript
4.5 Editing and refining a scientific manuscript