Mark Stamp

Information Security

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In this example, the key could be stated succinctly as “3″ since the amount of the shift is, in effect, the key.

      Using the key 3, we can encrypt the plaintext message


      There is nothing magical about a shift by three—any shift can be used in a Caesar's cipher. If we limit the simple substitution to shifts of the alphabet, then the possible keys are n element-of StartSet 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma period period period comma 25 EndSet. Suppose Trudy intercepts the ciphertext message


      This brute force attack is something that Trudy can always attempt. Provided that Trudy has enough time and resources, she will eventually stumble across the correct key and break the message. This most elementary of all crypto attacks is known as an exhaustive key search. Since this attack is always an option, it's necessary (although far from sufficient) that the number of possible keys be too large for Trudy to simply try them all in any reasonable amount of time.

      Now, back to the simple substitution cipher. If we only allow shifts of the alphabet, then the number of possible keys is far too small, since Trudy can do an exhaustive key search very quickly. Is there any way that we can increase the number of keys? In fact, there is no need not to limit the simple substitution to a shifting by n, since any permutation of the 26 letters will serve as a key. For example, the following permutation, which is not a shift of the alphabet, can serve as a key for a simple substitution cipher:

plaintext: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ciphertext: Z P B Y J R G K F L X Q N W V D H M S U T O I A E C

      2.3.2 Cryptanalysis of a Simple Substitution

      Suppose that Trudy intercepts the following ciphertext, which she suspects was produced by a simple substitution cipher, where the key could be any permutation of the alphabet:

Bar chart depicts English letter relative frequencies.

      From the ciphertext frequency counts in Figure 2.3, we see that “ F ″ is the most common letter in the encrypted message and, according to Figure 2.2, “ E ″ is the most common letter in the English language. Trudy