5.1 Introduction 5.2 Stable isotope chemistry and nomenclature 5.3 Stable isotopes of water 5.4 Stable isotopes of nitrogen and sulphur 5.5 Age dating of groundwater 5.6 Noble gases Further reading References
18 6 Groundwater and catchment processes 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Water balance equation 6.3 Precipitation and evapotranspiration 6.4 Soil water and infiltration 6.5 Recharge estimation 6.6 Stream gauging techniques 6.7 Hydrograph analysis 6.8 Surface water – groundwater interaction Further reading References
19 7 Groundwater investigation techniques 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Measurement and interpretation of groundwater level data 7.3 Field estimation of aquifer properties 7.4 Remote sensing methods 7.5 Groundwater modelling Further reading References
20 8 Groundwater quality and contaminant hydrogeology 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Water quality standards 8.3 Transport of contaminants in groundwater 8.4 Sources of groundwater contamination Further reading References
21 9 Groundwater pollution remediation and protection 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Groundwater pollution remediation techniques 9.3 Groundwater pollution protection strategies in developed countries 9.4 Groundwater protection strategies in developing countries Further reading References
22 10 Groundwater resources, governance and management 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Groundwater resources schemes 10.3 Wetland hydrogeology 10.4 Climate change and groundwater resources 10.5 Groundwater and energy resources 10.6 Future challenges for groundwater governance and management Further reading References
23 Appendix 1: Conversion factors
24 Appendix 2: Properties of water in the range 0–100°C
25 Appendix 3: The geological timescale
26 Appendix 4: Symbols, atomic numbers and atomic weights
27 Appendix 5: Composition of seawater and rainwater A5.1 Seawater composition A5.2 Rainwater composition References
28 Appendix 6: Values of W(u) for various values of u
30 Appendix 8: Complementary error function
31 Appendix 9: Drinking water quality standards and Lists I and II substances
32 Appendix 10: Review questions and exercises Questions A10.1 Hydrological cycle A10.2 Physical hydrogeology, groundwater potential and Darcy's law A10.3 Chemical hydrogeology A10.4 Environmental isotope hydrogeology A10.5 Stream gauging, infiltration measurements and groundwater recharge estimation A10.6 Groundwater resources, pumping tests and stream depletion analysis A10.7 Contaminant hydrogeology Worked answers to exercises A10.1 Hydrological cycle A10.2 Physical hydrogeology, groundwater potential and Darcy's law