Kevin M. Hiscock


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for terrestrial groundwater‐dependent ecosystems. Groundwater within or near the root zone provides a stable supply of water, particularly during drought, for many natural and agricultural crops via capillary rise and direct groundwater uptake (see Section 6.4.1). Since groundwater is estimated to influence terrestrial ecosystems over 7–17% of global land area (Fan et al. 2013) and can contribute substantially to evapotranspiration, it is likely that groundwater constitutes an important component of terrestrial evapotranspiration (Gleeson et al. 2020). For instance, groundwater is an essential contributor to evapotranspiration in the Amazon Basin (Fang et al. 2017).

Schematic illustration of conceptual diagram showing hypothetical age distributions in the Earth's critical zone.

      (Source: Adapted from Sprenger, M., Stumpp, C., Weiler, Met al. (2019) The demographics of water: a review of water ages in the critical zone. Reviews of Geophysics 57, DOI: 10.1029/2018RG000633.)


      1.5.3 Groundwater discharge to the oceans

      In a later study presented by Luijendijk et al. (2020), the application of a spatially resolved, density‐driven global model of coastal groundwater discharge showed that the contribution of fresh groundwater to the world’s oceans is equal to 224 (range 1.4–500) km3 a−1, and accounts for approximately 0.6% (range 0.004–1.3%) of the total freshwater input and approximately 2% (range 0.003–7.7%) of the solute input of carbon, nitrogen, silica and strontium. The uncertainty ranges reported are mostly caused by the high uncertainty of the values of permeability that were used, which is on average two orders of magnitude. Additional sources of uncertainty are the representative topographic gradient of coastal watersheds, groundwater recharge, and the size of the area that contributes to coastal groundwater discharge.

      The coastal discharge of freshwater showed a high spatial variability. For an estimated 26% (0.4–39%) of the world's estuaries, 17% (0.3–31%) of salt marshes and 14% (0.1–26%) of coral reefs, the flux of terrestrial groundwater exceeds 25% of the river flux and poses a risk for pollution and eutrophication. Catchments with hotspots of coastal groundwater discharge, where coastal groundwater discharge exceeds 100 m2 a−1 and 25% of the river discharge, were located predominantly in areas with a steep coastal topography due to glacio‐isostatic rebound, active tectonics or volcanic activity, and in areas consisting of permeable unconsolidated sediments, carbonates or volcanic rocks. The distribution of these hotspots is consistent with reported sites of high fresh groundwater discharge found in North America, Europe and East Asia. However, at many hotspots, such as Iceland and parts of South America, Africa and South Asia, and many tropical islands, coastal groundwater discharge requires further exploration. In summary, Luijendijk et al. (2020) concluded that fresh groundwater discharge is insignificant for the world’s oceans, but important for coastal ecosystems. For further discussion of groundwater discharge to the oceans, see Section 2.16.


      1.5.4 Global groundwater material and elemental fluxes

      (Sources: Garrels, R.M., Mackenzie, F.T. and Hunt, C. (1975) Chemical Cycles and the Global Environment: Assessing Human Influences. Kaufman, Los Altos, California; Zektser, I.S. and Loaiciga, H.A. (1993) Groundwater fluxes in the global hydrologic cycle: past, present and future. Journal of Hydrology 144, 405–427.)

Agent or Ocean % of total material transport (Remarks) % of total dissolved salts transport Subsurface dissolved salts discharge (106 t a−1)
Surface runoff 89 (Dissolved load 19%, suspended load 81%) 66
Glacier ice, coastal erosion, volcanic and wind‐blown dust 9 (Ice‐ground rock debris, cliff erosion sediments, volcanic and desert‐source dust)