Kevin M. Hiscock


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water and groundwater, and use it to assess and set water policies through an integrated water‐resource management system, backed up by legislation that sets out clear policies on data sharing, and penalties for those who do not comply (Yu 2011). Arguably, the biggest improvement could come in the agriculture sector, which already uses 70% of the China's fresh water. For instance, to boost grain production and help maintain food security, China has a double‐cropping system of growing wheat in winter and maize in summer, an unsustainable system that needs reconsidering. Meanwhile, the Chinese government hopes that a massive system of canals and pipes, to transfer 45 × 109 m3 a−1 from China's wetter south to its arid north, will alleviate groundwater depletion once completed in 2050 (Qiu 2010).

      The Quaternary Aquifer supports an enormous exploitation of groundwater which has led to large socio‐economic benefits in terms of irrigated grain production, farming employment and rural poverty alleviation, together with urban and industrial water supply provision. An estimated water supply of 27 × 109 m3 a−1 in the Hai River Basin alone was derived from wells and boreholes in 1988 (MWR 1992), but such large exploitation of groundwater has led to increasing difficulties in the last few years.

Schematic illustration of location map of the North China Plain showing the distribution of areas exhibiting marked groundwater depletion as a consequence of aquifer over-exploitation of the Quaternary aquifer system.

      (Source: Foster, S., Garduno, H., Evans, R. et al. (2004) Quaternary Aquifer of the North China Plain – assessing and achieving groundwater resource sustainability. Hydrogeology Journal 12, 81–93. © 2004, Springer Nature.)

Schematic illustration of cross-section of the North China Plain showing the general hydrogeological setting of the Quaternary aquifer system which includes the gently sloping piedmont plain and associated major alluvial fans, the main alluvial plain (Heilongang) and the coastal plain around the margin of the Bohai Sea.

      (Source: Foster, S., Garduno, H., Evans, R. et al. (2004) Quaternary Aquifer of the North China Plain – assessing and achieving groundwater resource sustainability. Hydrogeology Journal 12, 81–93. © 2004, Springer Nature.)

      (Source: Foster, S., Garduno, H., Evans, R. et al. (2004) Quaternary Aquifer of the North China Plain – assessing and achieving groundwater resource sustainability. Hydrogeology Journal 12, 81–93. © 2004, Springer Nature.)

Groundwater issue Hydrogeological setting
Piedmont plain Flood plain Coastal plain
Falling water table of shallow freshwater aquifer +++a +++ +
Depletion of deep freshwater aquifer 0b +++ ++
Risk of shallow aquifer and/or soil salinization 0 ++ +++
Groundwater pollution from urban and industrial wastewater +++ + 0


      a +++, very important; ++, important; +, minor importance; 0, not important.

      b Effects of excessive abstraction may be reflected in the overlying shallow freshwater aquifer which is here in hydraulic continuity.

      In the developing world, groundwater is