Javier G. Nevarez

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Reptile and Amphibian

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they could cause thermal damage. There is also a concern about overexposure to UVB, which could cause eye damage and even neoplasias. It is imperative that these bulbs are used properly; the author only recommends them for zoological institutions and advanced hobbyist who understand the principles of UVB exposure in reptiles. They must be replaced every 3–‐12 months, depending on manufacturer, model, and use.

      Metal halide bulbs are becoming more commonly available. They produce heat, UVB, and infrared light. Their beam is very narrow compared to all other bulb types which means that they can provide very high UVB levels but over a narrow area, which may be a positive feature in some enclosures (e.g., tall enclosures) but dangerous in others (e.g., short enclosures). These bulbs require external ballast and a properly rated fixture for operation and safety. Their use is best reserved for advanced hobbyist familiar with the principles of UVB lighting.

      As previously mentioned, the type of material present between the bulb and the animal is an important consideration when selecting a UVB bulb. Most glass and plastics are known to block or filter out UVB radiation and are not recommended. The ideal scenario is one of an open‐topped enclosure with no material present between the bulb and the animal. While this is a possible application for chelonians, it is not feasible when housing snakes and some lizard species. A study by Burger et. al. revealed the UVB attenuating effects of common materials used in reptile enclosures and provides a sobering insight into the use of UVB bulbs (Burger et al, 2007).

      The type of material, aperture of the openings, thickness, and reflective properties can all influence UVB attenuation and can significantly decrease the UVB exposure of reptiles. Most reptile enclosures have a screen or wire mesh top to keep the animals from escaping. Some of these screens may reduce the UVB light exposure to the animal by as much as 50%. To put this in perspective, if a reptile had a 10.0 linear fluorescent bulb, the effectiveness of that bulb might be reduced to that of a 5.0 by the time the light passes the screen and reaches the animal. This is why knowing the type of screen material is critical when selecting a bulb. A general recommendation is to select a screen with the largest aperture possible and with a mat or painted finish that will reflect less light.

      There is a common trend toward make recommendations of bulbs based on the species with which it will be used. The principle behind this makes sense but in practice it is flawed. The thought is that tropical, desert or diurnal species require higher UVB exposure and therefore a stronger UVB bulb, while more temperate, or forest species require a lower UVB exposure and therefore a weaker bulb. These principles would hold true in open‐topped enclosures without a lid or when the bulb is placed inside the enclosure. However as mentioned previously, when the bulb is placed atop a screen, it can block a significant portion of the UVB reaching the animal. Therefore the author recommends selecting a bulb not simply based on the species but rather a combination of the species and the specific enclosure set‐up for the particular animal. There have been some cases in which animals where overexposed to UVB due to manufacturing errors in some UVB bulbs. As a consequence, some people believe that 10.0 bulbs are too strong and harmful for reptiles. This is not the case. In fact, it is difficult to replicate the natural UVB exposure from the sun and most bulbs cannot replace natural sunlight. It is rather the erroneous use of UVB bulbs that can lead to problems. Even a 2.0 bulb could cause problems if the reptile is allowed to come in direct contact with the bulb, as this is not the intended use. Buying a UVB bulb from a reputable manufacturer that provides clear guidance as to how to use the bulbs is the first step in the safe use of UVB bulbs. The second aspect is ensuring that the owners and caretakers are indeed using the bulbs in the safest, most efficient manner for the particular species.

      Another challenge in selecting the proper UVB bulb is the fact that bulb strength or percentage UVB emission does not directly translate to its effectiveness in stimulating vitamin D3 synthesis in the body. There are in vitro models to assess the efficiency of UVB light (Burger et al, 2007) but these are impractical in a clinical setting. We must rely on the reputation of the manufacturer to ensure the bulb is of good enough quality. How much UVB a particular reptile species requires is another question, without a clear answer. In general terms, reptiles should have exposure to a minimum of 13–20 μW/cm2 UVB irradiance with tropical species needing as much as 30–40 μW/cm2, and desert species requiring as much as 150 μW/cm2. Much research is needed to confirm this information, but it is a starting reference point. In nature, UVB exposure will vary with time of day, cloud covering, and so on, but in captivity the exposure level will be fairly constant while the bulb is turned on. Providing hiding places and a gradient of UVB light can help to reduce UVB overexposure although in practice overexposure is not as common of an event.

      All animals need a source of calcium and a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 1.5 : 2. Carnivorous animals eating adult whole prey items have the advantage of obtaining calcium form the prey’s bones. However herbivorous and omnivorous reptiles often lack an appropriate source of calcium. Young carnivores being fed immature prey items or carnivores not being offered whole prey items should also be supplemented with calcium. Most plant materials and invertebrates have a negative calcium to phosphorus ratio, so animals must find other sources of calcium. In their natural environment, these animals will travel to clay and mineral deposits or select particular feedstuffs to supplement their calcium intake. In captivity, reptiles do not have the opportunity to seek calcium sources but rather rely on it being supplemented in their diet. All herbivorous, omnivorous, and insectivorous reptiles require calcium supplementation.

      Various commercial sources of calcium are available, but some are better than others. First off, it is recommended that calcium supplements be purely calcium with no phosphorus or vitamin D3. While many see a benefit of adding a D3 supplement, there are serious and real concerns about over supplementation of vitamin D3. Adding a calcium supplement that also contains phosphorus does not make sense because the reptiles are already in a negative calcium to phosphorus imbalance. Adding more phosphorus would not help solve this imbalance in an effective manner. The author prefers calcium only supplements including calcium powders sold for reptiles, cuttle bones, and crushed oyster shells. Another alternative is the use of fruit‐flavored calcium carbonate antacid tablets. These tables are more palatable than other products. They can be pulverized or fed in small pieces.

      Regardless of the type of supplement, calcium is best offered daily to account for variations in intake. The supplement is mixed with the vegetables or by coating prey items. However, it must be noted that when insects are coated with a powdered supplement, the powder will fall off within 10–20 minutes. Insects should therefore