Maria Cristina Mariani

Data Science in Theory and Practice

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alt="x plus y plus z equals 1"/> .Figure 16.4 Two class problem when data is linearly separable.Figure 16.5 Two class problem when data is not linearly separable.Figure 16.6 ROC curve for linear SVM.Figure 16.7 ROC curve for nonlinear SVM.

      10 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Single hidden layer feed‐forward neural networks.Figure 17.2 Simple recurrent neural network.Figure 17.3 Long short‐term memory unit.Figure 17.4 Philippines (PSI). (a) Basic RNN. (b) LTSM.Figure 17.5 Thailand (SETI). (a) Basic RNN. (b) LTSM.Figure 17.6 United States (NASDAQ). (a) Basic RNN. (b) LTSM.Figure 17.7 JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM). (a) Basic RNN. (b) LTSM.Figure 17.8 Walmart (WMT). (a) Basic RNN. (b) LTSM.

      11 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 3D power spectra of the daily returns from the four analyzed sto...Figure 18.2 3D power spectra of the returns (generated per minute) from the ...

      12 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Time‐frequency image of explosion 1 recorded by ANMO (Table 19.2...Figure 19.2 Time‐frequency image of earthquake 1 recorded by ANMO (Table 19....Figure 19.3 Three‐dimensional graphic information of explosion 1 recorded by...Figure 19.4 Three‐dimensional graphic information of earthquake 1 recorded b...Figure 19.5 Time‐frequency image of explosion 2 recorded by TUC (Table 19.3)...Figure 19.6 Time‐frequency image of earthquake 2 recorded by TUC (Table 19.3...Figure 19.7 Three‐dimensional graphic information of explosion 2 recorded by...Figure 19.8 Three‐dimensional graphic information of earthquake 2 recorded b...

      13 Chapter 21Figure 21.1

for volcanic eruptions 1 and 2.Figure 21.2 DFA for volcanic eruptions 1 and 2.Figure 21.3 DEA for volcanic eruptions 1 and 2.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  List of Figures

      6  List of Tables

      7  Preface

      8  Begin Reading

      9  Bibliography

      10  Index



      1  iii

      2  iv

      3  xvii

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