Hepatic Extraction
The hepatic extraction ratio of a drug is obtained by taking QLI to the left‐hand side in Equation 1.26
For high CLint compounds, the displacement of the drug from plasma proteins is rapid and equilibrium cannot be established between concentrations of the bound and unbound drug in blood (Cb, Cu,b ) and in liver (Cu,liver ). This can be represented as:
For low CLint compounds, there is equilibrium between the bound drug and unbound drug in blood and liver and only the Cu,liver is available to the drug metabolizing enzymes. The equilibrium between the different drug concentrations is shown below: Renal Clearance
Hydrophilic drugs can get eliminated in the urine, unchanged. For example, renal elimination is the predominant route for about 60% of anti‐infection compounds (Varma et al., 2009). The fraction of the dose excreted in the urine unchanged (fe ) is
where Ae,unchanged is the amount of drug excreted in the urine unchanged. Therefore, CLR is
Figure 1.4. Renal elimination of a drug: glomerular filtration, active tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption. Lipophilic drugs are readily reabsorbed, making renal elimination an important route only for hydrophilic drugs.
CLR = fub × GFR, where GFR is the glomerular filtration rate, for a drug lacking tubular active secretion or tubular reabsorption (Figure 1.4). GFR reflects passive diffusion of a drug through the glomeruli. Active tubular secretion is evident if CLR > fub × GFR and tubular reabsorption is apparent when CLR < fub × GFR. Reported values of GFR are measured with endogenous filtration markers like creatinine, which is freely filtered and secreted (15%) in the proximal tubule. However, since the synthesis and blood concentration of creatinine are influenced by several factors including age, sex, ethnicity, muscle mass, and chronic illness, other markers such as serum cystatin C, 51CrEDTA or inulin are employed. Drugs cleared exclusively in the kidney (such as hydrophilic acids and bases with high PSA and rotatable bond count), generally tend to have low rates of renal clearance. This is due to limited glomerular filtration and in some cases, absent active secretion. Apart from low clearances, these compounds are also unaffected by CYP‐related issues such as polymorphisms, drug–drug interaction (DDI) and reactive metabolites. Biliary Clearance
Amphiphilic compounds (compounds with both acidic and basic groups), with molecular weights >350 Da also have the possibility of being actively transported into the bile and excreted via faces. Biliary clearance can be estimated by determining the concentration of a drug in the bile (Cbile ) collected from a bile‐duct cannulated preclinical species.
The parent drug in bile is emptied into the duodenal section of the small intestinal tract via the sphincter of Oddi and may be reabsorbed back into the portal vein as it transits down the intestine. This is called the enterohepatic recirculation (EHR). EHR contributes to an increased half‐life of a drug. Some phase II conjugates are also secreted into bile and converted back to parent in the distal small intestine and reabsorbed as parent.
A metabolite of the drug can also be emptied into bile and into duodenum Figure 1.5. Certain phase II metabolites such as glucuronides are emptied into bile and into duodenum, get reconverted to the parent drug by the gut microflora in the distal intestine and are reabsorbed and recirculated. Although the pharmacokinetic profile is very similar to that associated with parent EHR, the measured Cbile for the parent drug in this case would be low, allowing one to distinguish between parent and metabolite EHR.
1.2.5 Extravascular (Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, and Per Oral) Absorption
Other than IV administration, all other routes require the drug to be absorbed into the capillaries that surround the site of administration. The rate of absorption of a drug in solution administered by IM and SC routes is limited by the perfusion to the tissue. It also depends on the type of tissue at the site of administration – the density, vascularity, and the fat content. The IM route for example has higher rate of absorption compared to the SC because of lesser fat and greater vascularity of the dense muscles. The muscle tissue has a greater blood supply than the tissue just under the skin and can hold a larger volume of medication than subcutaneous tissue.
Oral drug absorption refers to the transport of drug molecules across the enterocytes lining the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into the venous capillaries along the gut wall. The rate of oral drug absorption depends on several physiology‐, drug‐, and formulation‐dependent factors such as gastric emptying rate, intestinal motility, porosity of tight junctions, luminal and mucosal enzymology, carrier and efflux transporters, small‐intestinal secretions (bile and digestive enzymes), regional differences in pH, membrane permeability, solubility, and dissolution rate. An orally absorbed drug is subjected to first pass metabolism in the gut and liver before it is available in systemic circulation.
PK profiles from all extravascular routes are characterized by a maximum systemic concentration (Cmax ) and tmax, the time at which the Cmax is achieved (Figure 1.6a). Only a fraction of the administered dose is available for systemic circulation. This fraction is called bioavailability (F) of the drug.
Figure 1.5. Entero‐hepatic recirculation of a parent drug or a metabolite.
Considering first‐order absorption, the rate of change of the amount of drug in the body following oral administration is given by the rate of drug absorbed into systemic circulation (