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Urban Remote Sensing

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box containing th...FIGURE 12.16 An Addis Ababa locale boundary (left); the digitization of its ...FIGURE 12.17 The transformation of the digitized reference data and Atlas la...FIGURE 12.18 Distributions of pixel‐based overall accuracy calculated at the...FIGURE 12.19 Outlines of the Toledo, Ohio urban extent created by Atlas (blu...

      12 Chapter 13FIGURE 13.1 Study area of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, displayed with...FIGURE 13.2 Gridded population estimates for a portion of Mecklenburg County...FIGURE 13.3 Image classification accuracy (a) and dasymetric map error (b) a...FIGURE 13.4 Classification outputs for 6 of the 16 iterations: (a) RF0, (b) ...FIGURE 13.5 Consistency of false‐positive pattern in (a) RF0, versus inconsi...

      13 Chapter 14FIGURE 14.1 Pan‐sharpened Pleiades image of Dar es Salaam deprived area (a) ...FIGURE 14.2 Various areal conceptualizations to aggregate deprivation areas ...FIGURE 14.3 Level of detail of different sensors, comparing WorldView‐2, Pla...FIGURE 14.4 Combining datasets for the development of a global repository on...FIGURE 14.5 Mumbai deprived areas mapped at an aggregation level of 100 m (a...FIGURE 14.6 Summary of Earth Observation methods used in the key peer‐review...FIGURE 14.7 Ahmedabad, India: part of the historic city center (a) and depri...FIGURE 14.8 Recent developments in the field of CNNS to (a) work with limite...

      14 Chapter 16FIGURE 16.1 The NASA Black Marble‐based CO2 emission map over CONUS. EPA yea...FIGURE 16.2 An ISS camera image (a) and CO2 emission map (b) for the New Yor...FIGURE 16.3 Same as Figure 16.2, but for Texas cities. The ISS camera image ...FIGURE 16.4 Same as Figure 16.2, but for the Atlanta area. Atlanta Nightlife...FIGURE 16.5 The ISS camera images and CO2 over Chicago, Los Angeles, Phoenix...FIGURE 16.6 Comparisons of CO2 emissions scaled by different NTL and populat...FIGURE 16.7 A comparison of NBM (VIIRS) estimated state CO2 and EPA state es...FIGURE 16.A.1 A comparison of DMSP OLS (a), (b) and Radiance calibrated ligh...FIGURE 16.8 The spatial correlation and emission difference (normalized) as ...FIGURE 16.9 Atmospheric CO2 concentration enhancement over Los Angeles (LA) ...FIGURE 16.10 The column‐averaged CO2 differences from the control run: (a) O...FIGURE 16.A.2 Histograms of modeled column averaged CO2 differences. (a) ODI...FIGURE 16.A.3 Same as Figure 16.9, but atmospheric CO2 mole fractions calcul...FIGURE 16.A.4 Same as Figure 16.10, but the boundary layer atmospheric CO2 d...FIGURE 16.A.5 Same as Figure 16.A.4, but atmospheric CO2 differences. (a) Bi...

      15 Chapter 17FIGURE 17.1 Radiation source area of a remote sensor that receives radiance ...FIGURE 17.2 Urban space with 3D geometry.FIGURE 17.3 Actual versus estimated Tc: (a) Tc from Eq. (17.11) (daytime) an...FIGURE 17.4 Workflow to estimate the complete from the radiometric urban sur...FIGURE 17.5 Location of the study area.FIGURE 17.6 Building height of the study area.FIGURE 17.7 Surface temperature retrieved by the single‐channel method from ...FIGURE 17.8 Surface temperature retrieved by the single‐channel method from ...FIGURE 17.9 Daytime, Tr and Tc and their difference TcTr retrieved from t...FIGURE 17.10 Nighttime Tr and Tc estimated by applying Eq. (17.10) to the AS...

      16 Chapter 18FIGURE 18.1 A conceptual framework to study urban air quality by remote sens...FIGURE 18.2 (a) Satellite‐derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) vs ground‐base...FIGURE 18.3 Global average AOD during April 2018 as an example. Black dots r...FIGURE 18.4 The spatial and temporal resolution considerations. (a) Coarse (...FIGURE 18.5 (a) MOD04 10‐km (left column), 3‐km (middle), and MAIAC 1‐km (ri...FIGURE 18.6 The location of PM2.5 monitoring sites over pixels of different ...FIGURE 18.7 Using AOD coefficient of variability (CV) to infer local vs regi...FIGURE 18.8 MODIS MAIAC (470 nm) vs AERONET AOD (extrapolated 470 nm) correl...FIGURE 18.9 (a) Frequency distribution of daily AOD vs PM2.5 correlations. (...FIGURE 18.10 (a) Building percentage coverage for a 30‐m grid generated in A...FIGURE 18.11 Different spatial patterns emerged when using different input c...FIGURE 18.12 Mixed effect model performance using the AOD + Land Use (LU) + ...FIGURE 18.13 (a) The relationship between column aerosol optical depth (AOD)...FIGURE 18.14 Center: A scatter plot of the measured and predicted PM2.5 conc...FIGURE 18.15 Spatial distribution and RMSE values of the ground monitoring s...FIGURE 18.16 An example of using the publicly available dataset of estimated...

      17 Chapter 19FIGURE 19.1 An overview of the research framework consisting of two major pa...FIGURE 19.2 Location of the study area, Taipei City: (a) The nonmountainous ...FIGURE 19.3 An illustration of the daily accumulated precipitation and the t...FIGURE 19.4 The multiscale data and images that were used in this study: (a)...FIGURE 19.5 An illustration of change detection to monitor new water bodies ...FIGURE 19.6 Spatial distributions of rainfall patterns during the heavy rain...FIGURE 19.7 (a) The spatial distribution of the calculated NDVI with a resol...FIGURE 19.8 The relationship between the predicted probability of standing w...FIGURE 19.9 The spatial distribution of urban morphological characteristics ...FIGURE 19.10 The identified urban areas with a higher probability of having ...

      18 Chapter 20FIGURE 20.1 Basic machine learning flowchart describing the assessment of ur...FIGURE 20.2 Example of a Convolutional Neural Network architecture.

      19 Chapter 21FIGURE 21.1 The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda: ...FIGURE 21.2 Comparison of current research activities in terms of contents. ...FIGURE 21.3 Different green spaces in urban areas as shown in a false‐color ...FIGURE 21.4 Quantitative results from the Scopus search analysis. Note that ...FIGURE 21.5 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “remo...FIGURE 21.6 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “remo...FIGURE 21.7 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “remo...FIGURE 21.8 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “remo...FIGURE 21.9 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “remo...FIGURE 21.10 Country‐specific publication activities (top 10) regarding “rem...FIGURE 21.11 Number of publications per year for the period of 2000 and 2019...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  List of Contributors

      6  Authors Biography

      7  Preface

      8  Table of Contents

      9  Begin Reading

      10  Index

      11  Wiley End User License Agreement


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