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      “Leadership is leadership whether you are leading a SWAT team or a battalion, or are a CEO. The lessons Adam shares in this book are real-life experiences. He's a leader who has been on the battlefield, faced the overwhelming odds of competition, and come out as a leader people want to follow.

      Adam is an individual with unbounded curiosity and is willing to look in many directions to be a better leader. He understands how believing in yourself and starting a step-by-step program of small steps ultimately gets a person to incredible success.”

      —Dave Liniger, co-founder of RE/MAX

      “With the publishing of Start With a Win, Adam Contos delivers the ultimate guide on how to make every day count. Singer Joan Baez says, ‘Action is the antidote to despair.’ Adam's thesis centers around making that action count with a belief in yourself and a focus on attitude, perspective, and mindset.”

      —Ted Rubin, social marketing strategist, speaker, and co-author, Return on Relationship

      “Adam's story is the quintessential American hero story—from protecting and serving the public, to protecting and serving a publicly traded company. Some will call it ‘luck’ but those of us who know, know that Adam got where he is today by putting in the work no one else was willing to put in. I'm honored to call him a friend.”

      —Ryan Stewman, CEO of Hardcore Closer, sales and marketing expert, and author, GCode: How to Stay Super Focused in a World Full of Distractions

      —Barbara Kreisman, PhD, Professor Emerita and Associate Dean of Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, and partner, Intergistic Solutions Management Consulting

      “In the remarkably actionable and relatable Start With a Win, Adam Contos reframes the outdated view of success as an often daunting ‘destination,’ to a series of achievable ‘wins’ that propel you toward your self-determined goals. Contos offers a real-world roadmap to move past the inevitable challenges we all face, while providing frequent dopamine hits to fuel your journey. It's a fresh take on leadership that deserves attention. Highly recommended.”

      —David Avrin, president, The Customer Experience Advantage, and author of The Morning Huddle and Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back)



      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is Available:

      ISBN 9781119807070 (Hardback)

      ISBN 9781119807094 (ePDF)

      ISBN 9781119807087 (ePub)

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Magic marker; © Ron Dale/Shutterstock, arrows/circles;

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      Look in the mirror and make the conscious choice to say, “I can.” Congratulations. You're on the way to your