Justin B. Craig

Continuity Model Generation

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      Integrating Wealth, Strategy, Talent, and Governance Plans


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Schematic illustration of the plan for Continuity Canvas.

       Illustration 1: 21−6−4×4

       Illustration 2: Agency

       Illustration 3: Stewardship

       Illustration 4: Resource-Based View

       Illustration 5: Principal Cost

       Illustration 6: Two Complementary Logics

       Illustration 7: Fully Developed Three Circles Framework

       Illustration 8: The Big Tent Approach

       Illustration 9: RIPCC Framework

       Illustration 10: The Four Ps Framework

       Illustration 11: The Four Cs Framework

       Illustration 12: Servant Leadership Framework

       Illustration 13: The Four Tests Framework

       Illustration 14: Four Leadership Priorities

       Illustration 15: Four Exit Strategies Framework

       Illustration 16: The Four Ls Framework

       Illustration 17: Four Ownership Stages

       Illustration 18: Four Entrepreneurship Principles

       Illustration 19: Family Heterogeneity Frameworks

       Illustration 20: Four Rs Framework

       Illustration 21: Four Strategy Dimensions Framework

       Illustration 23: Five-Stage Life Cycle Framework

       Illustration 24: Church and State Framework

       Illustration 25: Four Innovation Capabilities Framework

       Illustration 26: Three-Step Approach Plan for the Strategic Plan

       Illustration 27: Three-Step Approach Plan for the Successors' Talent Development Plan

       Illustration 28: Three-Step Approach Plan for the Asset, Wealth, And Estate Plan

       Illustration 29: Three-Step Approach Plan for the Governance Plan

       Illustrated Table 1: Populating the Four Perspectives Using the Frameworks

       Illustrated Table 2: Populating the Four Development Categories Using the Frameworks

       Illustrated Table 3: Populating the Asset, Wealth, and Estate Categories Using the Frameworks

       Illustrated Table 4: Populating the Four Governance Categories Using the Frameworks