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Surgery of Exotic Animals

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up of whorls), and the body whorl, which terminates at the aperture (Figure 4.4). The head and foot of the snail protrude from the aperture. The oldest whorls are those closest to the apex of the shell. The gastropod shell is composed of four layers. The outer periostracum is composed of conchin, a horny protein, and the internal layers are composed of calcium carbonate and organic material (Ruppert and Barnes 1994). A mature female apple snail crawled out of its aquarium, fell to the floor, and fractured its shell. A depression fracture and a full‐thickness “U‐shaped” crack were noted on the body whorl (Figure 4.5).

Photo depicts the same snail in Figure 4.5 after the application of an epoxy bridge and transparent bandage.

      There are about 800 species of cephalopods; a group that includes the octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and chambered nautiluses. This is an important group in that they serve as a food source for humans and other animals, are popular display animals, and are frequently employed in a variety of research applications. Their acute vision, dexterity, and intelligence make them fascinating animals to observe and study. In Great Britain an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) application is required to perform research on cephalopods, largely due to their sentience (Mather and Anderson 2007). Unfortunately, most species are short‐lived in the wild and captivity. Common problems in captivity include trauma, anorexia, microbial infections, and water quality challenges (Hanlon and Forsythe 1990; Sherrill et al. 2000; Scimeca 2012).

      There is not a lot of published information on clinical cephalopod surgery. Harms et al. (2006) describe surgical excision of fungal granulomas from a cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) mantle. They did not use any surgical scrub for fear of damaging the sensitive skin or inducing toxic effects on the circulating anesthesia water. A 5 mm diameter wound was closed with 4‐0 polyglyconate on a taper needle using a simple continuous pattern. A larger (3 x 4 cm) wound was closed using the same suture and needle with an interrupted cruciate pattern.

      A fairly large body of literature exists regarding research surgical procedures in cephalopods, particularly octopuses, but most of the surgeries are short and apply to amputation and destruction of organs and tissues in order to study behavior, regeneration, and behavioral and physiologic responses (Wells and Wells 1975; Wells 1980; Andrews et al. 1983; Sumbre et al. 2001; Fossati et al. 2013).

      The annelids are a large and diverse group of segmented vermiform animals that are divided into three main classes: the Polychaetes, Oligochaetes, and Hirudineans. All are characterized by regular segmentation of the trunk. It is believed this segmentation evolved as a means of burrowing via peristaltic contractions (Ruppert and Barnes 1994). Annelids have a coelomic cavity that is divided into segments by septa. The circulatory, excretory, and nervous systems are also segmented. A cuticle covers the animal and segmented setae occur in nearly all members of the phylum. The mouth is located cranially and the anus caudally with a straight gut between the two openings (Ruppert and Barnes 1994). Certain species such as tropical marine polychaetes like feather duster and Christmas tree worms are important and valuable display animals.

      Source: LeClere et al. 2013.

      Salgado et al. (2014) determined that polyglactin 910, among the five suture materials (braided silk, chromic gut, monofilament nylon, polydioxanone, and polyglactin 910) tested in the skin of Lumbricus terrestris, resulted in the most tissue holding security. Moderate tissue reaction was noted to all five suture materials. A study from the human medical literature focused on anchoring the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) to patients with superficial and deep tissue with braided silk found found no difference in survival among leech groups with deep and superficial braided silk versus control leeches without suture (Davila et al. 2009).

      The crustaceans are a highly successful class of the Phylum Arthropoda although the nomenclature ranking varies among scientists. This group includes lobsters, crabs, crayfish, shrimp, barnacles, and hermit crabs. Numerous other taxa belonging to this taxon include isopods, amphipods, and brine shrimp. Economically, this is one of the most important groups of invertebrates and its members are utilized for food, as display animals, and for research.

      Like many of the preceding taxa, much of the surgery applied to crustaceans has been in research and not the clinical setting. Scientists implant electrodes to study physiology (Forgan et al. 2014), surgically remove eyestalks to impact reproductive behavior (Uawisetwathana et al. 2011), sever nerves to study blood pressure changes (Wilkens and Young 2006), ablate neurons to study regeneration of these structures (Harrison et al. 2003, 2004), and use fine forceps to remove the gonads of a pill bug‐like isopod (Suzuki and Yamasaki 1991).