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The Night of Broken Glass

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Goldberg Notes Harry Kaufman Notes

      11  Afterword The sociologist Edward Y. Hartshorne and the Harvard Project The context of the prize competition ‘Nazi Madness’ – The book project Re-education Notes

      12  Bibliography

      13  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Endorsement Page

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Editorial Note and Acknowledgements

      7  Foreword

      8  Introduction: ‘Thus Ended My Life in Germany’

      9  Begin Reading

      10  Afterword

      11  Bibliography

      12  End User License Agreement

       List of Illustrations

      1 IntroductionFigure 1: Prize advertisementFigure 2: Competition guidelines

      2 AfterwordFigure 3: The caption to Diagram B in Hartshorne’s article on Nazi propaganda shows how co…Figure 4: The table of contents and outline of Nazi Madness, the book that Hartshorne was …


      1  a

      2  b

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  vii

      6  viii

      7  ix

      8  x

      9  xi

      10  1

      11  2

      12  3

      13  4

      14  5

      15  6

      16  7

      17  8

      18  9

      19  10

      20  11

      21  12

      22  13

      23  14

      24  15

      25  16

      26  17

      27  19

      28  20

      29  21

      30  22

      31  23

      32  24

      33  25

      34  26

      35  27
