Goldberg Notes Harry Kaufman Notes
11 Afterword The sociologist Edward Y. Hartshorne and the Harvard Project The context of the prize competition ‘Nazi Madness’ – The book project Re-education Notes
12 Bibliography
1 Cover
6 Editorial Note and Acknowledgements
7 Foreword
8 Introduction: ‘Thus Ended My Life in Germany’
10 Afterword
11 Bibliography
List of Illustrations
1 IntroductionFigure 1: Prize advertisementFigure 2: Competition guidelines
2 AfterwordFigure 3: The caption to Diagram B in Hartshorne’s article on Nazi propaganda shows how co…Figure 4: The table of contents and outline of Nazi Madness, the book that Hartshorne was …
1 a
2 b
3 iii
4 iv
5 vii
6 viii
7 ix
8 x
9 xi
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