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      Banerjee A.V., Duflo E. What Is the Middle Class About? The Middle Classes Around the World // MIT Discussion Papers, December 2007; Burger R., Kamp S., Lee C., Berg S. van der, Zoch A. The Emergent Middle Class in Contemporary South Africa: Examining and Comparing Rival Approaches // Development South Africa. 2015. Vol. 32 (1). Р. 24–40; Kalb D. Class // Nonini D.M. (ed.). A Companion to Urban Anthropology. N.Y.: Blackwell, 2014; Kerstenetzky C.L., Uchôa C., Valle Silva N. do. The Elusive New Middle Class in Brazil // Brazilian Political Science Review. 2015. Vol. 9 (3). Р. 21–41; Koo H. The Global Middle Class: How Is It Made, What Does It Represent? // Globalizations. 2016. Vol. 13 (3). Р. 440–453; Melber H. (ed.). The Rise of Africa’s Middle Class: Myths, Realities, and Critical Engagements. L.: Zed Books, 2016; Nundee M. When Did We All Become Middle Class? L.: Routledge, 2016; Dore G.M.D. Measuring the Elusive Middle Class and Estimating Its Role in Economic Development and Democracy // World Economics Journal. 2017. Vol. 18 (2). Р. 107–122; Therborn G. Class in the Twenty-First Century // New Left Review. 2012. Vol. 78 (November-December). Р. 5–29. Во всех этих работах представлены критические обзоры многих из данных подходов – в более либеральном и более оптимистичном ключе они использованы в таких работах, как: Drabble S., Hoorens S., Khodyakov D., Ratzmann N., Yaqub O. The Rise of the Global Middle Class: Global Social Trends to 2030 // Rand Corporation. Thematic Report 6. 2015; IMF: Global Financial Stability Report: Market Developments and Issues // International Monetary Fund. September 2006.


      Например, в следующих работах: Amoranto G., Chun N., Deolaliker A. Who Are the Middle Class and What Values Do They Hold? Evidence from the World Values Survey // Asian Development Bank Working Paper Series. 2010. No. 229; Jaffrelot C., Veer P. van der (eds). Patterns of Middle Class Consumption in India and China. L.: Sage, 2012; Doepke M., Zilibotti F. Social Class and the Spirit of Capitalism // Journal of the European Economic Association. 2005. Vol. 3 (2–3). Р. 516–524; Drabble S., Hoorens S., Khodyakov D., Ratzmann N., Yaqub O. The Rise of the Global Middle Class: Global Social Trends to 2030 // Rand Corporation. Thematic Report 6. 2015; Eldaeva N., Khakhlova O., Lebedinskaya O., Sibirskaya E. Statistical Evaluation of Middle Class in Russia // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2015. Vol. 6 (3). Р. 125–134; Johnson S.D., Kandogan Y. The Role of Economic and Political Freedom in the Emergence of Global Middle Class // International Business Review. 2016. Vol. 25 (3). Р. 711–725; Lufumpa C.L., Ncube M. The Emerging Middle Class in Africa. N.Y.: Routledge, 2016, а также в любых популярных изданиях, какие только вам доведется взять в руки. В одной из неудавшихся попыток определения среднего класса делается вывод, что он крайне важен для демократии, экономики и общества, несмотря на невозможность его определения: Billitteri T. Middle Class Squeeze // CQ Press. 2009. Р. 9–19.


      Некоторые из этих проблем были выявлены среди «западных средних классов» в работе: Chauvel L., Hartung A. Malaise in the Western Middle Classes // World Social Science Report. 2016. Р. 164–169, а также среди средних классов в ряде незападных стран: Banerjee A.V., Duflo E. What Is the Middle Class About?..; Burger R., Louw M., Oliveira Pegado B.B.I. de, Berg S. van der. Understanding Consumption Patterns of the Established and Emerging South African Black Middle Class // Development South Africa. 2015. Vol. 32 (1). Р. 41–56; Chen J. A Middle Class without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects of Democratization in China. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013; Cohen S. Searching for a Different Future. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004; Duarte A. The Short Life of the New Middle Class in Portugal // International Research Journal of Arts and Social Science. 2016. Vol. 3 (2). Р. 47–57; Embong A.R. State Led Mobilization and the New Middle Class in Malaysia. L.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002; Fernandes L. India’s New Middle Class. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006; James D. “Deeper into a Hole?” Borrowing and Lending in South Africa // Current Anthropology. Vol. 55 (S9). Р. 17–29; James D. Money for Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015; Koo H. The Global Middle Class: How Is It Made, What Does It Represent?..; MacLennan M., Margalhaes B.J. (eds). Poverty in Focus // Bureau for Development Policy (UNDP). 2014. Vol. 26; Melber H. (ed.). The Rise of Africa’s Middle Class…; Osburg J. Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality Among China’s New Rich. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013; Owensby B.P. Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999; Rocca J.L. The Making of the Chinese Middle Class: Small Comfort and Great Expectations // The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy 2017. Shakow M. Along the Bolivian Highway: Social Mobility and Political Culture in a New Middle Class. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014; Sumich J. The Uncertainty of Prosperity: Dependence and the Politics of Middle-Class Privilege in Maputo // Ethnos. 2015. Vol. 80 (1). Р. 1–21; Sumner A., Wietzke F.B. What Are the Political and Social Implications of the “New Middle Classes” in Developing Countries? // International Development Institute