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Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Holliday (2009) outlined the history of African Americans and Blacks in psychology in the United States. It is interesting that Holliday noted that in 1934, the Journal of Negro Education (published by Howard University) developed a special issue of 14 papers that challenged the functions and findings of research on racial differences.

      Box 1 Scholars: Black/African-Centered Psychology

      Na’im Akbar, PhD

      Faye Belgrave, PhD

      Kevin Cokley, PhD

      Cheryl Grills, PhD

      Asa Hilliard, PhD

      Kobi Kambon, PhD

      Linda James Myers, PhD

      Wade Nobles, PhD

      Joseph White, PhD

      Robert Lee Williams, PhD

      Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Counseling and Psychology

      In 1982, Derald Wing Sue and six of his colleagues ignited the cross-cultural and multicultural counseling movement when they published the article “Position Paper: Cross-Cultural Counseling Competencies.” Sue et al. (1982) argued that traditional mental health practices (including counseling) and research were irrelevant to ethnic minorities. They proposed a push for new approaches to counseling that would be more appropriate for the culturally different. Sue et al.’s framework for cross-cultural counseling led to the triad of components of cultural competence: cultural knowledge, cultural awareness, and cross-cultural skills. A plethora of literature emerged from Sue et al.’s article. Pedersen (1990) even described the cross-cultural and multicultural counseling movement as the fourth force in counseling because of its rapid growth and visibility in the field.

      In 1972, another group formed specifically to address the issues of Black and Brown counselors and clients. The new group, the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, became a separate division of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, which is now the American Counseling Association (ACA). Before the group was formed, its members had limited representation and no voting rights on the board of directors of the American Personnel and Guidance Association. The individual most often identified as the father of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance is Samuel H. Johnson. The name of the group was changed to the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) in 1985 to more accurately reflect its efforts. The mission of the association is

      Box 2 Scholars: Cross-Cultural/Multicultural Counseling

      Patricia Arredondo, PhD

      Donald Atkinson, PhD

      Robert Carter, PhD

      Madonna Constantine, PhD

      Michael D’Andrea, PhD

      Donald Pope Davis, PhD

      Janet Helms, PhD

      Allen Ivey, PhD

      Courtland Lee, PhD

      Don C. Locke, PhD

      Paul Pedersen, PhD

      Joseph Ponterotto, PhD

      Gargi Roysicar, PhD

      Derald Wing Sue, PhD

      Clemmont E. Vontress, PhD

       [To] recognize the human diversity and multicultural nature of our society;

       To enhance the development, human rights, and the psychological health of ethnic/racial populations and all people as critical to the social, educational, political, professional, and personal reform in the United States and globally;

       To identify and work to eliminate conditions that create barriers to the individual development of marginalized populations;

       To develop, implement, and/or foster interest in charitable, scientific, and educational programs designed to further the interests of marginalized populations;

       To secure equality and access of treatment, advancement, qualifications, and status [for] individuals and families in counseling, wellness, and mental health work;

       To publish a journal and other scientific-educational and professional materials with the purpose of raising the standards of all who work in providing counseling, wellness, and mental health. (AMCD, n.d., “Our Mission”)

      In April 1991, AMCD approved Sue et al.’s (1982) rationale for a multicultural and/ or cross-cultural perspective in counseling. AMCD proposed 31 multicultural counseling competencies and strongly encouraged ACA (then known as the American Association of Counseling and Development) to adopt the competencies in accreditation criteria. The competencies were approved and became a standard for counseling training and practice (Sue, Arredondo, and McDavis, 1982).

      Box 3 Scholars: Social Justice Counseling and Advocacy

      Mary Smith Arnold, PhD

      Fred Bemak, PhD

      Stuart Chen-Hayes, PhD

      Rita Chung, PhD

      Reese House, PhD

      Michael Hutchins, PhD

      Mark Kiselica, PhD

      Judith Lewis, PhD

      Manivong Ratts, PhD

      Anneliese Singh, PhD

      Rebecca Toporek, PhD

      Edil Torres-Rivera, PhD

      Social Justice Counseling and Advocacy

      In 1994, a group of counseling professionals convened to better commit to multiculturalism and broader social justice issues. The group members represented many organizations within ACA, such as AMCD, the Association for Specialists in Group Work, and the National Career Development Association. After numerous meetings with ACA leadership, the group became an organizational affiliate in 1999 and was called Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ; J. Anderson et al., 2015). In 2000, the ACA Governing Council accepted CSJ as an official division of ACA, making it an additional division devoted to the concerns of Black and Brown populations, but with a broader focus than just racism. With social justice as a focal point, CSJ advocates for health care, for access for the disabled, against discrimination of sexual and gender minorities, for immigration, and against economic disparities.

      In 2003, CSJ promoted the endorsement of the ACA Advocacy Competencies (Toporek et al., 2009). These competencies laid the groundwork for counselors intervening for systems change. Since 2007, CSJ has partnered with Psychologists for Social Responsibility to publish the Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, a leading journal in the field.

      In 2015, the ACA Governing Council approved a new set of competencies that blended the Multicultural Counseling Competencies (Sue et al., 1982, 1992) with the Social Justice Counseling Competencies put forth by CSJ. The new competencies, called the Multicultural