Estelle Vallier

Innovation in Clusters

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at this nodal point, armed with the analysis, we see the specific and advantageous contribution of social science, singularly of sociology.

      The final two chapters propose unravelling what is constantly being tied, rewoven and replayed by the practices of the actors themselves: scientists, startup entrepreneurs and cluster administrators. It is clear that what appears to them as an enigma pushes them to redo what has already been done, through the use of different devices. The path taken by Estelle Vallier to provide reason to this process, which is to an extent blocked in on itself, is to question cooperation, as a generic relational mode in a world given over to competition.

      Philippe BRUNET

      Laboratoire interdisciplinaire

      Sciences Innovations Sociétés

      Gustave Eiffel University

      August 2021


      Innovation is as much an overused term as it is an economic watchword: “We must innovate, be innovative… or disappear!”1 It is a sign of economic recovery, dynamism and technological potential for a better world. One of the main levers of innovation policies in industrialized countries is to organize meetings between researchers and industrialists, particularly within innovation clusters that bring together companies, laboratories and training within a particular sector. Thus, the validity and legitimacy of these mechanisms, which take shape in dedicated locations, formerly called technopoles, now known as clusters, no longer need to be proven. Tomorrow’s economy, like a promise that is always being renewed, is germinating in these places through the combined effects of innovation, its territorialization and the power of the intricate and informal relationships that are generated there. This book is particularly concerned with the articulation between the promise of innovation and the interactions observed within a particular cluster.

      I.1.1. Ensuring the legal and fiscal framework for the partnership between science and industry: governing from a distance
