Joseph Schmuller

Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies

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alt="check"/> Introducing statistical concepts


Generalizing from samples to populations


Getting into probability


Making decisions


Understanding important Excel fundamentals

      The field of statistics is all about decision-making — decision-making based on groups of numbers. Statisticians constantly ask questions: What do the numbers tell us? What are the trends? What predictions can we make? What conclusions can we draw?

      To answer these questions, statisticians have developed an impressive array of analytical tools. These tools help us make sense of the mountains of data that are out there waiting for us to delve into, and to understand the numbers we generate in the course of our own work.

      Because intensive calculation is often part and parcel of the statistician’s tool set, many people have the misconception that statistics is about number crunching. Number crunching is just one small step on the path to sound decisions, however.

      I just said that number crunching is a small step on the path to sound decisions. The most important part are the concepts statisticians work with, and that’s what I talk about for most of the rest of this chapter.

      Samples and populations

      On election night, TV commentators routinely predict the outcome of elections before the polls close. Most of the time they’re right. How do they do that?

      The trick is to interview a sample of voters right after they cast their ballots. Assuming the voters tell the truth about whom they voted for, and assuming the sample truly represents the population, network analysts use the sample data to generalize to the population of voters.

      This is the job of a statistician — to use the findings from a sample to make a decision about the population from which the sample comes. But sometimes those decisions don’t turn out the way the numbers predict. History buffs are probably familiar with the memorable photo of President Harry Truman holding up a copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune with the famous, but incorrect, headline “Dewey Defeats Truman” after the 1948 election. Part of the statistician’s job is to express how much confidence they have in the decision.

      Another election-related example speaks to the idea of the confidence in the decision. Pre-election polls (again, assuming a representative sample of voters) tell you the percentage of sampled voters who prefer each candidate. The polling organization adds how accurate it believes the polls are. When you hear a newscaster say something like “accurate to within 3 percent,” you're hearing a judgment about confidence.

      Here’s another example. Suppose you’ve been assigned to find the average reading speed of all fifth grade children in the United States but you haven’t got the time or the money to test them all. What would you do?

      Your best bet is to take a sample of fifth-graders, measure their reading speeds (in words per minute), and calculate the average of the reading speeds in the sample. You can then use the sample average as an estimate of the population average.


Here’s some terminology you have to know: Characteristics of a population (like the population average) are called parameters, and characteristics of a sample (like the sample average) are called statistics. When you confine your field of view to samples, your statistics are descriptive. When you broaden your horizons and concern yourself with populations, your statistics are inferential.

And here’s a notation convention you have to know: Statisticians use Greek letters ((μ, σ, ρ) to stand for parameters, and English letters
, s, r) to stand for statistics. Figure 1-1 summarizes the relationship between populations and samples, and between parameters and statistics.

      FIGURE 1-1: The relationship between populations and samples, and between parameters and statistics.

      Variables: Dependent and independent

      Simply put, a variable is something that can take on more than one value. (Something that can have only one value is called a constant.) Some variables you might be familiar with are today’s temperature, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, your age, and the value of the dollar against the euro.

      Statisticians care about two kinds of variables: independent and dependent. Each kind of variable crops up in any study or experiment, and statisticians assess the relationship between them.

      For now, understand that the independent variable here is the method of instruction. The two possible values of this variable are new and traditional. The dependent variable is the improvement in reading speed (a child’s speed after instruction minus that child’s speed before instruction) — which you would measure in words per minute.


In general, the idea is to find out if changes in the independent variable are associated with changes in the dependent variable.


In the examples that appear throughout the book, I show you how to use Excel to calculate characteristics of groups of scores. Keep in mind that each time I show you a group of scores, I'm really talking about the values of a dependent variable.

      Types of data

      Data come in four kinds. When you work