age is a life skill that can change everything.
Regardless of how you've experienced it, accountability is not consequences, it's ownership. At the heart of accountability is free‐will choice. You always, always, always have choice. That doesn't mean you will always like the choices available to you, but you have choice.
Our definition of accountability as ownership first appeared in our book The 12 Week Year, and was perhaps an even more disruptive insight than our view that your year should be only 12 weeks long. Our insight, which has changed the lives of so many of our readers and clients, was that the power of true accountability lies entirely in our freedom of choice.
There have been others before us who have talked about accountability as choice and have hinted at this notion of accountability as ownership. Peter Koestenbaum and Peter Block, in their profound book Freedom and Accountability at Work: Applying Philosophic Insight to the Real World, establish the conflict between management and the individuals they lead when it comes to who is the author of accountability.
For us, what makes our take unique is that the insights that we have had regarding personal accountability have arisen directly out of the crucible of working with others so that they can tap into their capabilities in life. In helping our clients, we have found some basic tools and approaches that cut through the fog of what you control and what you don't control, creating immense freedom along the way.
Relationships have been saved. Businesses have been transformed. Careers have been resurrected, and the world has been changed by the working model of accountability that we have built in partnership with our clients. In short, accountability is a much more powerful tool than most people realize.
In the course of our work, we have fleshed out a working model of accountability that allows our clients to take ownership of their thinking and actions in such a way that they can accomplish things that they had stopped trying to do – believing that they were just not good enough, diligent enough, or worthy enough to accomplish before. We have helped people to see their degrees of freedom and then to act on them.
In spite of the common notions about accountability, when we ran a promotion for voluntary accountability groups recently, we had the program fill up faster than any other promotion before or since. It seems that many people instinctively know that there is life‐changing power in becoming more accountable, regardless of the negative connotations of the word. Accountability isn't an outside‐in process where others force you to be accountable – it is an inside job, a personal stance in life that changes everything!
Before you start to think that this is just another book that will focus on how leaders can create more accountability in their teams, I want to be clear. A true understanding of accountability is that it is a choice and cannot be forced. In its purest form, accountability is simply taking ownership of one's actions and results.
Accountability is the foundation of lasting individual success. It enables people to reach their most important personal goals and objectives, and in the long run become more influential, more successful, and more fulfilled.
A victim allows his success to be limited by external circumstances, people, or events. As long as we continue to be victims of our circumstances, we will experience life as a struggle, and other people as a threat. Accountability, on the other hand, allows you to gain control of your life, to shape your destiny, to fulfill your potential. Accountability is not about blaming yourself, or a way to enable punishment of others. It is simply a stance in life where one acknowledges one's role in outcomes.
Accountability is not concerned with fault but, rather, what it takes to create better results. Until we and our organizations accept ownership of our actions, and our outcomes, we will be helpless to change or improve the results. Once we accept that our actions have an impact on the outcome, then, and only then, are we truly empowered to create the results we desire. Some of the more powerful benefits of accountability are highlighted in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 The Benefits of Accountability
Healthy relationships. Accountable relationships lift both people.Better health. Less stress and more control lead to greater well‐being.Confidence in abilities. Track record builds an assuredness to handle what comes up.Better results. Accountability leads to better execution of the high‐value actions.Growth. Accountable people push past their comfort zone more frequently.Learning. Confronting what isn't working creates learning about what does work.Respect. Results, commitment, and integrity are all hallmarks of accountability.Sustained career success. High personal effectiveness leads to more options.Ability to overcome setbacks. Accountable people aren't for long victims of circumstance.Being in demand/More Opportunities. People want you on their projects, initiatives, and teams.Better finances. Accountability in one area fosters accountability in others.Greater self‐assurance and confidence. Accountable people are high in self‐efficacy.More control in life. Empowered people say no to things that don't fit.More influence. Respect leads to a platform to influence others.Better control of time use. Fewer messes to clean up – don't engage in low‐value work. |
When we acknowledge our accountability, our focus shifts from defending our actions to learning from them. Failures simply become feedback in an ongoing process of becoming excellent. Unfavorable circumstances and uncooperative people don't prohibit us from reaching our goals. We stand in a different way, thereby creating different results.
Accountability is a life stance based on the understanding that you don't control circumstances and events, but you do control how you respond to them. Accountability begins with the realization that the quality of your choices determines the quality of your life.
When you view accountability as choice, as ownership, I think it is probably the most empowering concept to live your best life. Accountability holds the keys to unlocking most everything you want in life, from career success to income and wealth, good health, strong relationships, confidence, and personal fulfillment. Accountability doesn't guarantee these things, but it does give you your best chance at achieving them.
In our work with thousands of top performers and others pursuing greatness, we've seen time and time again how critical accountability is to success. If there is one characteristic that is a game changer, it's accountability.
In this book, we outline the key tenets of true accountability. The first half of the book focuses on individual accountability. This creates a health foundation for growth and success. In these chapters, we demystify the concept with real‐life examples that will help you more fully grasp accountability and its impact. The second half of the book focuses on applying accountability as a leader. Whether you are a leader at work, in your community or place of worship, or in your home, you will discover how much of what you have learned about accountability is actually causing issues and inhibiting performance. You will learn a better way of applying accountability and why you will want to discard the practice of “holding” people accountable.
Setbacks and challenges are part of life. The key to success and happiness is how you handle the failures – and the victories. Armed with the truth about accountability, you will be better enabled to pursue opportunities as they arise and to overcome the inevitable setbacks. Ultimately, you will be empowered to achieve what you are truly capable of in life.
Greatness is a natural byproduct of accountability and cannot be attained, or sustained, without it. All truly successful people are accountable long before anyone recognizes their accomplishments. Accountability, more than any other personal character trait, ensures that you will live the best life possible in the circumstances that you face.
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