spaces, f : Ω ↦ E and g : E ↦ G are two (
Thus, the composition g ∘ f is indeed measurable on (Ω,
1.2. Probability elements
We will now review the concept of a probability measure or probability distribution, and the concept of random variable, as well as the chief properties of these concepts.
1.2.1. Probabilities
A probability measure or probability distribution is a finite measure whose total mass is equal to 1.
DEFINITION 1.7.– A probability or probability measure, or law of probability or distribution over a probability space (Ω,
– for any A ∈ , ℙ(A) ≥ 0,
– ℝ(Ω) = 1,
– for any sequence of pairwise disjoint events in , denoted by (An)n∈ℕ, we have
The triplet (Ω,
EXAMPLE 1.7.– Ω is endowed with the coarse σ-algebra
EXAMPLE 1.8.– Let Ω = [0, 1] and =
is a probability measure on (Ω,
EXAMPLE 1.9.– Let Ω be non-empty set such that card(Ω) < ∞, where card(Ω) denotes the cardinal of Ω, that is, the number of elements in Ω. Consider the mapping ℙ from
The mapping ℙ is then a probability on (Ω,
We will only review those properties of a probability that will be useful for this book.
– If (An)n∈ℕ is increasing (for the inclusion), then,
– If (An)n∈ℕ is decreasing (for the inclusion), then,
We will now review the concept of independent events and σ-algebras.
DEFINITION 1.8.– Let (Ω,
– Two events, A and B, are independent if ℙ(A ∩ B) = ℙ(A) × ℙ(B).
– A family of events (Ai ∈ i, i ∈ I) is said to be mutually independent if for any finite family J ⊂ I, we have
– Two σ-algebras and are independent if for any A ∈ and B ∈ , A and B are independent.
– A family of sub-σ-algebra i ⊂ , i ∈ I is mutually independent if any family of events (Ai ∈ i, i ∈ I) is mutually independent.
EXAMPLE 1.10.– We roll a six-faced die and write
– A1 the event “the number obtained is even”; and
– A2 the event “the number obtained is a multiple of 3” .
The universe of possible outcomes is Ω = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} which has a finite number of elements and as all its elements have the same chance of occurring, we can endow it with the uniform probability . Since
we have
Therefore, A1 and A2 are two independent events.
EXAMPLE 1.11.– A coin is tossed twice. The following events are considered:
– A1 “Obtaining tails (T) on the first toss”;
– A2 “Obtaining heads (H) on the second toss”; and
– A3 “Obtaining the same face on both tosses”.
The universe of possible