the various gas streams*.Table G-9 Illustration of the age of the earth and the subdivision of the years.
9 Chapter 8Table H-1 Heat content (calorific value, btu/lb) of selected hydrocarbons and fu...Table H-2 Various types of gas-liquid heat exchangers.Table H-3 The Periodic Table of the Elements.Table H-4 Properties of gaseous (C1-C4) paraffin hydrocarbons.Table H-5 General properties of hydrogen sulfide.Table H-6 Feedstocks and products for the hydrothermal upgrading process.
10 Chapter 9Table I-1 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table I-2 General properties of ionic liquids.Table I-3 Examples of the uses of ionic liquids in the alternative energy field.
11 Chapter 12Table L-1 General classification of landfill sites.Table L-2 Typical constituents of landfill gas.*Table L-3 Examples of the hydrocarbon constituents of light ends*.Table L-4 Amount (% w/w) of lignin common in various sources*.Table L-5 Examples of the lower and upper explosive limits of selected chemicals...
12 Chapter 13Table M-1 Boiling point and density of methane relative to air and water.Table M-2 Selected properties of methanol compared to ethanol.Table M-3 Examples of toxic constituents in municipal solid waste.Table M-4 Comparison of heating values of various waste-derived fuels.Table M-5 Sources of municipal waste
13 Chapter 14Table N-1 Naphtha production by various crude oil refining processes.Table N-2 Range of composition of natural gas.Table N-3 Simple non-methane hydrocarbons.Table N-4 Types of nuclear reactors.
14 Chapter 15Table O-1 Octane ratings of various hydrocarbon derivatives in order of increasi...Table O-2 Olamines used for gas processing.Table O-3 Reactions of olefin derivatives (alkenes).
15 Chapter 16Table P-1 Size ranges for particulate matter.Table P-2 The Periodic Table of the Elements.Table P-3 Production of petrochemicals during refining.Table P-4 Properties of selected petrochemicals.Table P-5 Selected properties of phenol.Table P-6 Typical environmental pollutants.*Table P-7 Examples of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Table P-8 Examples of polycyclic aromatic compounds.Table P-9 Porosity of different rock types.Table P-10 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table P-11 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table P-12 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table P-13 Typical composition of producer gas.Table P-14 The isotopes of hydrgoen.Table P-15 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table P-16 Examples of the chemical constituents of pulpwood.Table P-17 Products of pyrolysis and potential uses.
16 Chapter 18Table R-1 The uranium-radium series.Table R-2 Examples of the half-life of several elements and isotopes.Table R-3 List of radioactive elements*.Table R-4 Various reactor-types.Table R-5 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table R-6 Processes for the recovery of gases from gas streams.Table R-7 Processes for the recovery of liquids from gas streams.Table R-8 Processes for the recovery of solids from gas streams.Table R-9 Processes for the recovery of liquids from liquid streams.Table R-10 Processes for the recovery of solids from liquid streams.Table R-11 Processes for the recovery of liquids from solid streams.Table R-12 Processes for the recovery of solids from solid streams.Table R-13 General rules for process selection.Table R-14 General categories of refuse-derived fuel.Table R-15 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table R-16 An example of the general categorization of natural resources.Table R-17 Simplified descriptions of conventional crude oil, tight oil, heavy c...Table R-18 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table R-19 Yields and quality of pyrolysis oil from various feedstocks.
17 Chapter 19Table S-1 Types of soils based on composition.Table S-2 Types of soils based on properties.Table S-3 Characteristics of sugar crops.Table S-4 Summary of the natural gas sweetening processes.Table S-5 Examples of products from synthesis gas.
18 Chapter 20Table T-1 Scrap tire pyrolysis.Table T-2 The Periodic Table of the Elements.Table T-3 The isotopes of hydrogen.
19 Chapter 21Table U-1 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table U-2 Categorization of resources and reserves.Table U-3 Examples of the lower and upper explosive limits of selected chemicals...
20 Chapter 22Table V-1 Density and vapor density of the lower-boiling hydrocarbon derivatives...Table V-2 Fatty acid content of some vegetable oils (%)
21 Chapter 23Table W-1 Types of waste.Table W-2 Sources of municipal waste.Table W-3 General properties of water.Table W-4 General types of lakes.Table W-5 Examples of water pollutants and the effects.Table W-6 Wobbe index (kcal/m3) of natural gas and its common constituents.Table W-7 Examples of the properties of different types of wood.Table W-8 Interrelationships of the various constituents of wood.
22 Chapter 24Table X-1 The general properties of the xylene isomers.
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