through Hannah Arendt
10 Part III The Heart-Shaped Herb 11 Beastly Boys: The Racial-Sexual Politics of Meat 12 Panther Mystique: Wakandan Feminism Demystified 13 The Ancestral Plane: Metaphysical Mystery or Meaningful Metaphor? 14 The Afterlife of Erik Killmonger in African Philosophy 15 Wakandan Resources: The Epistemological Reality of Black Panther’s Fiction
11 Part IV Vibranium 16 When Tech Meets Tradition: How Wakandan Technology Transcends Anti-Blackness 17 Vibranium Dreams and Afrofuturist Visions: Technology, Nature, and Culture 18 Black Panther’s Afrofuturism: Reconnecting Neural and Cultural Pathways 19 Wakanda and the Dilemma of Racial Utopianism 20 The Value of Vibranium
12 Part V Black Lives Matter 21 Dismantling the Master’s House with the Master’s Tools 22 An Impossible Return? (Anti)Colonialism in/of Black Panther 23 T’Challa’s Dream and Killmonger’s Means: Echoes of MLK and Malcolm X 24 “It’s Time They Knew the Truth about Us! We’re Warriors!”: Black Panther and the Black Panther Party 25 Fear of a Black Museum: Black Existentialism
13 Index
1 Cover
6 Table of Contents
9 Index
1 i
2 ii
3 iii
4 iv
5 v
6 vi
7 vii
8 viii
9 ix
10 x
11 xi
12 xii
13 xiii
14 xiv
15 xv
16 xvi
17 xvii
18 xviii
19 1
20 2
21 3
22 4
23 5
24 6
25 7
26 8
27 9
28 10
29 11
30 12