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further complication is added by noting that international migration subject to integration is also heavily distinguished from population movements that take place within and across the territory of nation-states. The canonical distinction between internal and international migration has long been criticized by geographers in migration studies (King and Skeldon 2010). It is often an arbitrary distinction which reifies the international border when both/all are forms of spatial movement, simply viewed. However, normatively, the modern nation-state clearly views things differently. In the contemporary view, internal populations are already integrated as nationals; they are not at all subject to the same linear immigration to citizenship template, let alone the same nation-building symbolism as ‘immigrants’. In historical terms, this distinction is clearly arbitrary and a figment of the late modern world (Harzig et al. 2009) – in the past, it did not apply to many regional periphery-to-urban migrations within incomplete nation-states or across macro-regional spaces (Moch 2003). Their migration patterns might, in that view, resemble those of immigrant foreigners – as do contemporary internal migrants moving across regions in contemporary China, for instance (Xie, Leng and Ritakallio 2016). Here, a nation-building ‘integration’ perspective might work, even in the absence of immigrants. As we will see, the ‘integration’ of people assumed already to be ‘natives’ is often left unexplored in discussions of immigrant or minority integration.

      On the other hand, different concerns may indeed apply to migrations between countries within empire-scale systems of governance, or across macro-regional common markets, which also do not (or should not necessarily) count as ‘immigration’. It can be argued that free-moving EU citizens within the single market space of the European Union, who retain their own nationality and enjoy a different kind of (European) citizenship as the basis of residency, rights and recognition, are not subject to integration when they settle in another country – until perhaps circumstances change, a border crosses them, and they become ‘immigrants’ needing to think about permanent settlement (Gonzales and Sigona 2017). Other historians would further complicate this and de-naturalize the normality of the narrow sliver of migration and mobilities that is viewed as state-sanctioned immigration in the contemporary view: for example, the movement of settler colonials within empires (Bhambra 2014), or the ongoing movement of expatriates living and working for corporations around the world (Kunz 2020). These movements all have consequences that fall outside conventional patterns of migration, settlement, integration and citizenship. At the other end of the scale, other anomalous cases include the international movement of labour as slavery or the forced migration of stateless persons held in spaces outside receiving state jurisdiction (McNevin 2011).

      The point of these various examples linked to the broader continuum of mobilities at a global scale is to underline that the singular contemporary notion of immigrant integration and its linear properties is particular to the present moment and serves a very particular normative purpose. This is for reasons to do with the central symbolic importance of immigration control, bordering and population management to sovereign nation building in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It is a particularly charged vision of the reaffirmation and recomposition of the nation-state-society focused on a very particular, selected mobile population – perhaps ironically in an age in which its future as a basic political unit never seemed less clear because of the regional integration and globalization associated with new forms of mobility and population flux.

      There has also been a critical literature, emerging out of concerns with multiculturalism, which has pointed to the rhetoric of diversity as a typical, flattening policy device of neo-liberalism (Ahmed 2012): an empty rhetoric that hides much tougher issues of racialization and ethno-racial differentiation and intersectionality present endemically in supposedly free, open, egalitarian liberal democracies. I will come back to critically assess some of the more optimistic variants on superdiversity associated with transnationalism, globalization from below, cosmopolitanism, diaspora, hybridity, conviviality and so on in a later chapter. For sure, the global integration of neo-liberalism irrevocably linked to these progressive ideas so redolent of the optimistic 1990s has to be evaluated negatively – while not excluding all the potentially transformative effects of migration, mobilities and diversification of this era.