rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_9d15f8f4-ae9c-5d7f-a71d-9b9dff184a9a">Fractures of the Third Tarsal Bone Fractures of the Proximal Third Metatarsal Bone Other Tarsal Fractures References
36 30 Fractures of the Tibia Anatomy Fracture Types Incidence and Causation Clinical Features and Presentation Imaging and Diagnosis Treatment References
37 31 Fractures of the Patella Anatomy Fracture Types Incidence and Causation Clinical Features and Presentation Imaging and Diagnosis Treatment Transverse Fractures Extra‐articular Fragmentation References
38 32 Fractures of the Femur Anatomy Proximal (Capital) Physeal Fracture Diaphyseal Fractures Distal Physeal Fractures Fractures of the Third Trochanter Fractures of the Supracondylar Tuberosity/Gastrocnemius Muscle Avulsion Fractures of the Trochlear Ridges Fractures of the Femoral Condyles Avulsion Fractures of the Cranial Cruciate Ligament References
39 33 Fractures of the Pelvis Anatomy and Biomechanics Fracture Types, Incidenceand Causation Clinical Features and Presentation Fractures of the Tuber Coxae Fractures of the Iliac Wing Fractures of the Iliac Shaft Fractures of the Ischium Pubic Fractures Risk Factors Associated with Pelvic Fractures Imaging and Diagnosis Treatment Options and Recommendations Case Selection and Management Results References
40 34 Fractures of the Vertebrae and Sacrum Introduction Fractures of the Axial Dens with Atlantoaxial Subluxation Atlantoaxial Subluxation Complete Ventral Luxation of the Axis Fractures of the Atlas Fractures of the Axis Fractures of Cervical Vertebrae 3 to 7 Fractures of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Fractures of the Sacrum Fractures of the Coccygeal Vertebrae References
41 35 Fractures of the Ribs Anatomy Fracture Types Incidence and Causation Clinical Features and Presentation Imaging and Diagnosis Treatment Options and Recommendations Results References
42 36 Fractures of the Head Introduction Fractures of the Cerebral Skull Fractures of the Facial Skull Fractures of the Mandible Fractures of the Hyoid Apparatus References