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These are just snapshots of a postindustrial, global and mediatic regime that […] I will call pharmapornographic. The term refers to the processes of a biomolecular (pharmaco) and semiotic-technical (pornographic) government of sexual subjectivity. […] There is nothing to discover in sex or in sexual identity; there is no inside. The truth about sex is not a disclosure. It is sexdesign. Pharmacopornographic biocapitalism does not produce things. It produces mobile ideas, living organs, symbols, desires, chemical reactions and conditions of the soul. In biotechnology and in pornocommunication there is no object to be produced. The pharmacopornographic business is the invention of a subject and then its global reproduction.
Paul B. Preciado, Testo Junkie, New York 2013, 33–6
What Is Sexual Capital?
Dana Kaplan
Eva Illouz
Copyright © Dana Kaplan and Eva Illouz 2022
Copyright © Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin 2021 All rights reserved by and controlled through Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin.
The right of Dana Kaplan and Eva Illouz to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
This English edition first published in 2022 by Polity Press
Polity Press
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ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-5233-7
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021946299
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