href="#ulink_607c6d38-cf76-5295-883a-7cdf8c1635b5">The anterior pituitary lobe The posterior pituitary lobe 44 The thyroid and adrenal glands The thyroid gland Parathyroid glands The adrenal glands 45 The pancreas and gonads The pancreas The gonads Other endocrine glands
17 Part 10: The musculoskeletal system 46 Bone structure Bone Ossification The skeleton 47 Bone types The skeleton Skeletal divisions Bone types 48 Joints Joints Movements Fibrous joints Cartilaginous joints Synovial joints Fixed joints 49 Muscles Muscle tissue Properties of muscle tissue
18 Part 11: The skin 50 The skin The layers of the skin 51 The skin appendages The dermal appendages 52 Epithelialisation Wounds How wounds heal Types of wound healing Wound closure 53 Granulation Granulation tissue Tissue repair Overgranulation
19 Part 12: The senses 54 Sight Vision The orbit Eyelids, lashes, eyebrows The lacrimal apparatus The sclera The cornea The aqueous humour The iris The lens and ciliary muscle The retina Visual system pathways to the brain The visual cortex 55 Hearing The ear The outer (external) ear The middle ear The inner ear 56 Olfaction Physiology of olfaction Olfactory nerve and cribriform plate Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract 57 Gustation The tongue Anatomy and physiology Taste bud anatomy
20 Appendix 1: Normal physiological values Full blood count Coagulation Haematinics Biochemistry Endocrinology Other biochemistry tests Tumour markers Immunology Lumbar puncture results
21 Appendix 2: Prefixes and suffixes
23 Further