Robert P. Dobrow


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empirical point of view, a probability matches up with our intuition of the likelihood or “chance” that an event occurs. An event that has probability 0 “never” happens. An event that has probability 1 is “certain” to happen. In repeated coin flips, a fair coin comes up heads about half the time, and the probability of heads is equal to one-half.

      Let upper A be an event associated with some random experiment. One way to understand the probability of upper A is to perform the following thought exercise: imagine conducting the experiment over and over, infinitely often, keeping track of how often upper A occurs. Each experiment is called a trial. If the event upper A occurs when the experiment is performed, that is a success. The proportion of successes is the probability of upper A, written upper P left-parenthesis upper A right-parenthesis.

      This is the relative frequency interpretation of probability, which says that the probability of an event is equal to its relative frequency in a large number of trials.

      There are definite limitations to constructing a rigorous mathematical theory out of this intuitive and empirical view of probability. One cannot actually repeat an experiment infinitely many times. To define probability carefully, we need to take a formal, axiomatic, mathematical approach. Nevertheless, the relative frequency viewpoint will still be useful in order to gain intuitive understanding. And by the end of the book, we will actually derive the relative frequency viewpoint as a consequence of the mathematical theory.

      We assume for the next several chapters that the sample space is discrete. This means that the sample space is either finite or countably infinite.

      A set is countably infinite if the elements of the set can be arranged as a sequence. The natural numbers 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma ellipsis is the classic example of a countably infinite set. And all countably infinite sets can be put in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers.

      If the sample space is finite, it can be written as normal upper Omega equals StartSet omega 1 comma ellipsis comma omega Subscript k Baseline EndSet. If the sample space is countably infinite, it can be written as normal upper Omega equals StartSet omega 1 comma omega 2 comma ellipsis EndSet.

      The set of all real numbers is an infinite set that is not countably infinite. It is called uncountable. An interval of real numbers, such as (0,1), the numbers between 0 and 1, is also uncountable. Probability on uncountable spaces will require differential and integral calculus and will be discussed in the second half of this book.

      A probability function assigns numbers between 0 and 1 to events according to three defining properties.


      Given a random experiment with discrete sample space normal upper Omega, a probability function upper P is a function on normal upper Omega with the following properties:


      2 (1.1)

      3 For all events ,(1.2)

      In the case of a finite sample space normal upper Omega equals StartSet omega 1 comma ellipsis comma omega Subscript k Baseline EndSet, Equation 1.1 becomes

sigma-summation Underscript omega element-of normal upper Omega Endscripts upper P left-parenthesis omega right-parenthesis equals upper P left-parenthesis omega 1 right-parenthesis plus midline-horizontal-ellipsis plus upper P left-parenthesis omega Subscript k Baseline right-parenthesis equals 1 period

      And in the case of a countably infinite sample space normal upper Omega equals StartSet omega 1 comma omega 2 comma ellipsis EndSet, this gives

sigma-summation Underscript omega element-of normal upper Omega Endscripts upper P left-parenthesis omega right-parenthesis equals upper P left-parenthesis omega 1 right-parenthesis plus upper P left-parenthesis omega 2 right-parenthesis plus midline-horizontal-ellipsis equals sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript infinity Endscripts upper P left-parenthesis omega Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis equals 1 period

      In simple language, probabilities sum to 1. The third defining property of a probability function says that the probability of an event is the sum of the probabilities of all the outcomes contained in that event. We might describe a probability function with a table, function, graph, or qualitative description. Multiple representations are possible, as shown in the next example.

       Example 1.5 A type of candy comes in red, yellow, orange, green, and purple colors. Choose a piece of candy at random. What color is it? The sample