Kean wrote of a secret program, at the Pentagon, funded through the Defense Intelligence Agency, to study the US Navy’s radar footage of mysterious aerial objects that moved at high velocities, with no visible signs of propulsion, and hovered with no evident means of lift. We learned, later, that the craft, referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, made nearly impossible turns, ascended and descended vertically, in an instant, hovered silently in place for hours, traveled in squadrons, and flew into and out of the ocean. Scientists cautioned that we should not assume that the phenomena are of extraterrestrial origin. They must be studied carefully.
Having researched the US government’s archival records, it became apparent to me that we were back to square one. In the mid to late 1940s and early 1950s, the US government had undertaken several studies of flying disks. By 1952, the ATIC had documented 4400 flying disk reports and had investigated 1593, assigning them to various categories: Balloons, Aircraft, Astronomical Bodies, Other, Hoaxes, Insufficient Data, and Unknown. At the end of the study, 26.94% were categorized as Unknown meaning that they did not conform to the characteristics of identified phenomena and were not known to originate on Earth.
Project Blue Book Special Report #14 was the largest scientific study of Unidentified Aerial Objects (UAOs) ever undertaken by the US Air Force. The Battelle Memorial Institute’s work began in March 1952, and the report was completed in May 1955. They examined 3201 UFO cases and provided more than 200 charts, graphs, tables and maps. All reports were categorized as Aircraft, Balloon, Astronomical, Psychological Aberration, Insufficient Information, or Unknown. No sighting could be listed as Unknown unless all four scientific analysts agreed that it was a true Unknown. At the end of the scientific study, 21.5% of the 3201 cases were deemed Unknowns. The probability that the Unknowns were just missed Knowns was less than 1%. A Chi Square analysis indicated that 35.1% of the aerial object observations in the Excellent Quality Group (close encounters, trained observers, greater length of observation, etc.), were deemed true Unknowns, whereas only 18.3% of the Poor Quality Group were categorized as Unknowns.
Despite the scientific value of this remarkable study, U.S.A.F. Secretary Donald Quarles released the following statement: »On the basis of this study, we believe that no objects such as those popularly described as flying saucers have overflown the United States. I feel certain that even the Unknown 3% could have been explained as conventional phenomena or illusions if more complete observational data had been obtained.« His statement was a blatant deception and a shining example of the cover-up, perpetrated by the US government for the past 70+ years. Today, we must ask, »Will the truth be told this time? Or will another attempt be made to obfuscate the evidence and mislead the people of the world?« (See Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden)
My years of study and investigation have solidified the following hypothesis: UAOs, UAPs, paranormal phenomena, contact and consciousness are all part of the same phenomena.
24 September 2019
Kathleen Marden
UFO and contact researcher
Author of 5 books
International lecturer
Foreword by Robert Fleischer
The phenomenon of so-called »abductions by extraterrestrials« is truly not an easy one. Most scientists would not touch that subject. Neither can it be reliably reproduced in the laboratory, nor are there any measuring methods that would provide unambiguous information about the content of truth in statements made by those allegedly affected. As a result, there are relatively few publications with a scientific claim to the abduction phenomenon.
As a journalist who works for a large media company, you usually do not come into contact with the topic, since it plays virtually no role in reporting, in the world of politics and science. If a report on this should find its way onto the news ticker, it is all too easy to dismiss it as an isolated case, a tragic example of how delusions can bring a person to the edge of existence. I, too, had heard very little about abductions when in June 2007 I founded the citizens’ initiative Exopolitik Deutschland (Exopolitics Germany), which, among other things, promotes the dissemination of reliable information about the UFO phenomenon and the associated aspects. But that was about to change. In April 2009, I attended the X-Conference, a UFO conference in Washington D.C., together with my Danish exopolitics colleague Frederik Uldall. At the final press conference in the venerable National Press Club, a surgeon named Roger Leir appeared alongside Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Milton Torres, a former air force pilot with UFO experience. He reported that he had located foreign objects in the bodies of several suspected abductees.
The man on the CNN camera to my right and I looked at each other in amazement when Dr. Leir began to present photos. They showed strange objects, only a few millimeters to one centimeter in size, which Dr. Leir had operated out of the bodies of those affected. He had already surgically removed a total of seven such objects, he explained. They were all surrounded by an indeterminable biological substance - difficult to cut with a scalpel.
Then a scientist named Dr. Alex Moser stepped up to the microphone. The expert for material analysis had carried out various measurements on one of the objects. When Dr. Moser gave a detailed account of his findings, the CNN reporter, who had appeared astonishingly calm up to then, also dropped his jaw: The object had obviously emitted radio signals as long as it was in the body, namely on the frequencies 14.749650 Megahertz and 17.68658 Gigahertz. Subsequently, Dr. Moser showed results of an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
The images revealed strange crystalline structures and nanotube-like carbon filaments that do not occur in nature. According to Dr. Moser, such structures must have been artificially produced with considerable effort. »So we assume that we are dealing with something technical with this object«, was the cautious conclusion of the materials analysis expert. Further investigations are undoubtedly necessary to find out more.
When Dr. Moser finally stepped down from the lectern, he left all the journalists gathered in the room, including myself, speechless.
By chance, a few hours after the end of the press conference, I suddenly found myself in front of the ZDF (German public television) foreign studio in Washington. »Shouldn’t the German public be informed that such research results are being discussed in America«, I asked myself. Of course, it was clear to me that the chance to sell my film material about »alien implants« here was virtually zero. Nevertheless, I spontaneously decided to try and rang the doorbell. I was politely welcomed.
But I did not even get to put in my tape. Because when I explained what it was about, I was just as politely complimented out again with the sentence »We’ll pass it on to Mainz [location of the ZDF studio].« The research results of Doctors Leir and Moser were probably not even revealed to the Mainz men [cartoon characters created by the ZDF].
I had expected that reaction of my ZDF colleagues. Nevertheless, this incident revealed to me the difficult situation that abduction research is in: there is virtually no media coverage of it, because there are too few tangible facts to be found on the radar of a mainstream colleague. And once they do show up, it’s better to ignore them. Because they do not fit into the prevailing social consensus in Germany that there are no UFOs, no aliens and therefore of course no kidnappings by the latter. And if someone should seriously claim to have been abducted, then he or she must certainly have lost his marbles.
Pensively, I returned to Germany. How would it be possible to take away people’s fear of the »maximum strangeness« and prepare them for the possibility of making contact with extraterrestrials while at the same time, quite a number of affected people report disturbing, traumatizing, sometimes extremely painful experiences? From now on I followed the developments in the field of abductions with greater attention and increasingly worked on them. But at first I had a hard time with a publication. Only after the death of Dr. Roger Leir in 2014 did I decide to publish his presentation from the National Press Club in German. The entire video, which lasts about half an hour and contains the research results mentioned above, is now viewed almost 280,000 times on YouTube.*