Mark Koyama

How the World Became Rich

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10Figure 10.1 Per capita GDP in select Asian countries, 1960–2019Figure 10.2 Percentage of Indians living in extreme poverty, 1977–2011Figure 10.3 Per capita GDP in England/Great Britain and Japan, 1280–1850Figure 10.4 Per capita GDP in South Korea and Nigeria, 1960–2019Figure 10.5 Per capita GDP in various parts of the world, 1960–2019Figure 10.6 Chinese per capita GDP, 1960–2019


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Dedication

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Preface

      7  Begin Reading

      8  References

      9  Index

      10  End User License Agreement


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