able to distinguish between these two very different mechanisms.
Transfer coefficient (KCO) is the transfer factor divided by VA. This tells us the transfer factor ‘per unit lung volume’. Like TLCO, KCO is reduced when there is intrinsic lung disease, but unlike TLCO, KCO is not diminished when a healthy lung is reduced in volume by some external factor.
In restrictive conditions, a reduced KCO suggests an intrapulmonary cause (e.g. fibrosis). In extrapulmonary causes (e.g. chest wall deformity, respiratory muscle weakness, obesity), the KCO tends to be elevated. (Reason: KCO is effectively telling us about the transfer of CO only in the alveoli that are ventilated. The non‐ventilated alveoli are effectively discounted because they don’t contribute to VA. As the V/Q matching system will divert blood away from the non‐ventilated alveoli, the ventilated alveoli will have more than their normal share of blood. The greater blood volume increases CO absorption and thus gas transfer.)
In obstructive conditions, a reduced KCO suggests COPD (emphysema). In asthma, the KCO may be elevated. (Reason: Asthma does not affect every airway to an identical degree; there is therefore an exaggerated heterogeneity of ventilation. As discussed already, KCO is more heavily influenced by the well‐ventilated areas which, because of V/Q matching, have more than their fair share of perfusion.)
In the presence of normal spirometry, a reduced KCO is a strong indicator of intrinsic lung disease (affecting the pulmonary vasculature or alveoli; consider pulmonary hypertension or a combination of emphysema and fibrosis). (Reason: the effects of emphysema and fibrosis on FEV1:FVC ratio cancel each other out though both cause a diminution in gas transfer.)
Arterial blood gases
Normal values are listed in Table 3.1.
A sample of arterial blood may be obtained from any artery, but the radial artery at the wrist and the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa are the sites most commonly used. The blood enters the heparinised needle and syringe under its own pressure with a pulsatile action. The syringe containing the arterial blood is capped, placed in ice and analysed in the laboratory within 30 minutes of sampling.
Review of acid/base balance
CO2 dissolves in H2O and forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), which dissociates into H+ and HCO3 – in a constant relationship:
Table 3.1 Normal values for arterial blood gases whilst breathing normal room air at sea level
pH | 7.35–7.45 |
PCO 2 | 4.5–6.0 kPa, 34–45 mmHg |
PO 2 | 11–14 kPa, 83–105 mmHg |
Actual bicarbonate (aHCO 3 – ) | 22–26 mmol/L |
Standard bicarbonate (sHCO 3 – ) | 22–26 mmol/L |
Base excess | –2 to +2 mmol/L |
Oxygen saturation | 96–98% |
As [H2CO3] directly relates to the partial pressure of CO2:
In other words, for a given concentration of bicarbonate, PCO2 has a direct linear relationship with [H+] (and thus an inverse relationship with pH, which is the negative logarithm of [H+]).
Similarly, for a given PCO2, there is a direct relationship between [HCO3 –] and pH.
These relationships can be represented graphically (Fig. 3.9).
Bicarbonate concentration
Most blood gas analysers provide two different measurements of bicarbonate – ‘actual bicarbonate’ and ‘standard bicarbonate’ – in addition to another value, ‘base excess’. This can cause confusion, although it needn’t. The analyser measures the bicarbonate level in the blood sample. This actual measurement is (conveniently) known as the actual bicarbonate (aHCO3 –). As can be seen in Fig. 3.9, the actual level is directly dependent on the PCO2 (for a given pH: the higher the PCO2, the higher the aHCO3 –; the lower the PCO2, the lower the aHCO3 –). What we’d like to know is what the bicarbonate would have been if the PCO2 had been normal (5.3 kPa) because that gives us a direct handle on ‘what the metabolic system is doing’. If we know the actual bicarbonate (aHCO3 –) and the PCO2 then we can calculate that value. However, we don’t need to, the machine will do it for us. This calculated bicarbonate value for a ‘standard’ PCO2 is (conveniently) known as the standard bicarbonate (sHCO3 –). Either aHCO3 – or sHCO3 – can be used in the interpretation of blood gases, but the sHCO3 – takes out the immediate effect of CO2 on the bicarbonate level and can loosely be regarded as giving a more direct indication of the metabolic activity influencing acid/base balance, (I think it’s easier). The base excess takes into account the fact that there are other buffers apart from bicarbonate in the blood. It tells a similar story to the bicarbonate level in terms of acid/base disturbance. Its principal advantage is the ease with which its normal range can be remembered. As one might anticipate from the name, the ‘excess’ should be zero (normal range is 0±2 mmol/L). There aren’t many numbers easier to remember than zero.