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Identity and Access Management for Internet of Things Cloud
Soumya Prakash Otta and Subhrakanta Panda*
Department of CSIS BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India
The Internet of Things is an emerging technical ecosystem, composed of heterogeneous technological smart objects which are seamlessly connected to the Internet. Provisioning of high-speed data and bandwidth for connectivity for growing variety of IoT services would increase their exposure for fraudulent activity as well as cyber-attacks. Since security issues are significant for the deployment of many IoT services with its amalgamation with cloud implementation, threats severity and vulnerability associated show multiplying effect. This article highlights the emerging security issues associated with IoT Cloud and specifically addresses the challenges faced due to Identity and Access Control of the IoT Cloud. Internet of Things is getting established as a technological ecosystem enabling application of computing to anything, anywhere, and at any time. For