Jens Becker


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to. If nobody else is left – you can always rely on a 2.


      The 2 does not give away their gifts unselfishly but in order to be needed and loved. If the expected thanks for their generosity fails to materialize, they get fickle or even angry. At this moment it becomes clear that with their gifts they want to make others dependent upon them – consciously or unconsciously. Seen like this, the behaviour of the 2 is a special kind of egoism – they serve in order to rule! The self-image of the 2 is completely dependent upon the praise of others. If it fails to appear, they break down. People from type 2 are permanently overcharged and weep a lot. Characters from type 2 need more understanding, acceptance and love than others and are not capable of being criticised.

      Childhood Patterns

      Characters from type 2 very often have had to fight for the praise and love of their parents by doing specifically positive deeds. They have the feeling that they were not loved for themselves. This is why they have internalised that love and appreciation must be acquired. During the childhood of the 2 there may have been an exchange of the parent-child role. it is also possible, that the adult two tends to ‘mother’ their parents in order to secure further love.


      The problem of the 2 is in their seeking love but creating dependencies. On the fertile soil of one-sided giving, an equal relationship or love is not possible. This is why the 2 does not achieve what they long for the most – unconditional and honest affinity.

      Inner Conflict

      Characters from type 2 tend to exaggerate indulgence and flattery in order to prevent opposition from others against their charitable gifts. In partnerships, the 2 can be very dominant. They like to find partners that are weaker than they are who cannot escape easily. If other characters oppose their ideas, they can become a right dragon and walk over dead bodies. But there is no ill will behind their behaviour – it is their fear that they might not be accepted. The 2 suppress their own wishes, but when they give too much energy to others, they can reward themselves as compensation in the satisfaction of secret addictions like binge eating or sexual addiction.


      For fear of losing control, the 2 hides their longing for love, tenderness and closeness. No one longs so much for love like the 2 and is at the same time so unable to have a relationship! This is why they do anything in order to be needed and so fall into the helper syndrome. But if someone rejects them, this can easily lead to pride.


      Characters from type 2 can mature if they love themselves unconditionally. Only then may they be able to love others. Selfless and humble, the mature 2 can be a reliable helper and friend.



      Character Development




      Conflict Behaviour


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