Valentin Frost

Bridge – unique technology of business. How to become the most successful in the Real Estate market with support project “Indvizh”

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area for a comfortable life.

      Absolutely every client can become red. Don’t bargain, stay within limits. However, if you make a mistake, then 99% out of 100% is a loss of opportunity to get results, and most importantly, a loss of time that you could spend on other motivated clients who appreciate your service.

      “But don’t rush customers!” you say. And some will even get ahead of me and will stand on the fact that the specialist chooses the client, and not the client chooses the specialist.

      I will answer it this way:

      Do you need to know your worth and not work with those who do not appreciate you? – YES.

      Do not scatter customers left, and right? – YES.

      Both points of view are correct.

      And that is why it is necessary to create a digitization of customers that will attract absolutely everyone, regardless of their “color” and bring you one hundred percent income.

      Minimizing the number of broken deals and broken contracts is very simple.

      Script 1

      (On the example of an ordinary real estate agent – an outgoing purchase call):

      – Good afternoon! My name is Ekaterina. Are you interested in buying real estate?

      Client response: Yes.

      – How can I contact you?

      Client response: Bogdan.

      – Excellent, Bogdan! For what purpose do you want to buy property? Life, recreation, investment?

      Client response: Life. (It doesn’t matter what his answer is. Our goal is to digitize the customer. The first rule of any entrepreneur is “DO NOT MANAGE THAT YOU CANNOT MEASURE.”)

      – Bogdan, I need to measure your motivation. Please tell me how urgently you are ready to buy a property on a scale from zero to ten, where 0 means you will be looking for a property for another year and 10 means you needed to buy an apartment yesterday.

      Please name a number.

      Script 2

      (On the example of an ordinary real estate agent – an outgoing sales call):

      – Good afternoon! My name is Ekaterina. Are you selling your apartment?

      Client response: Yes.

      – How can I contact you?

      Client response: Bogdan.

      – Excellent, Bogdan! If you sell your apartment, where will you move next? (Here we find out – alternative sale or free.)

      Customer response: Alternative. (It doesn’t matter what his answer is. Our goal is to digitize the customer. The first rule of any entrepreneur is “DO NOT MANAGE THAT YOU CANNOT MEASURE.”)

      – Bogdan, I need to measure your motivation. Please tell me how urgently you are ready to sell the property on a scale from zero to ten, where 0 means you will sell the property for another year and 10 means you needed to sell the apartment yesterday.

      Please name a number.

      There is no 6 in this coordinate system.

      If the client rates his motivation from 0 to 5, you can safely hang up in your CRM system and log: 8 999 713 33 30, Bogdan (A) – the alternative and the number that Bogdan named.


      Because Bogdan has no motivation. He can wait a year, six months, and you need the money now.

      For the sake of experiment, you can safely transfer all your unmotivated clients to your colleagues who refuse to run their own business and use scripts.

      And you will see how at the moment when you already have substantive negotiations with motivated clients, your colleagues will be aggressive, lose heart, get angry because of negotiations with your unmotivated clients. Then you will understand that your money is in your hands.

      You have already understood that if a client evaluates his motivation from 7 to 10, then this means that the client is ready to bargain, installments, concessions – on any conditions, if only to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. Work only with motivated clients: their high motivation today = your money today.

      Now you have the answer to the question why you should read this book.

      Chapter 4 WHAT IS THIS PROJECT?

      Everyone wants their own apartment. And there are only three answers to the question “Why do people want to buy real estate?”:

      ▪ For life;

      ▪ For recreation;

      ▪ For investment.

      But the majority cannot afford to invest or simply buy a small studio to live in.

      Working with sellers and customers on a daily basis, I came across the fact that people would like to invest and expand, move out of their apartments, but after selling their “one room plus one” they simply do not have enough funds to purchase two properties, not to mention three …

      I will try to explain why, thanks to you, your clients will be able to freely invest and buy three apartments instead of two.

      You have this book and you can do anything!!!

      In Moscow and large cities: St. Petersburg – Yekaterinburg, Omsk – Tomsk, companies operate in smaller cities and earn very good money using project, but not at full capacity.

      “Light” method

      Companies find an illiquid four-room apartment on the first or second floor above a commercial non-residential floor.

      An agreement is concluded with the owner of this housing that the apartment will be sold in parts due to the fact that the market dictates its own rules and it is easier to sell a small studio than an illiquid four-room apartment.

      If the owner is motivated, he does not care how to sell, if only quickly.

      Object in work: advertising is being done, renderings with a studio plan. Each location is given catchy names (“Madrid”, “Rio”, “Riviera”, etc.) and as many advertisements as possible are issued for each – to move trade.

      The result is a low price for the studio, and here there are those who want to buy the treasured square meters inexpensively. In addition, this is not some kind of communal apartment, this is a full-fledged studio with amenities (re-planning was carried out with the allocation of a bathroom zone).

      A rush is created around the created real estate objects, and a preliminary agreement is signed with those wishing to purchase such studios, where a separate studio is assigned to each and an obligation is prescribed to repair and re-plan it within the terms agreed after the transaction.

      And then one day, buyers are invited to a deal for the sale of a share in an apartment.

      An example is the huge number of profitable houses in St. Petersburg. In a word, the portrait of the customer here is an investor who is interested in long-term investments.

      There are a lot of additional aspects in this “Light” method. This is, for example, the absence of a mortgage. You also need to forget about material capital and other subsidies – only cash. Another feature is the waiver of the pre-emptive right to purchase. And many others.

      Always choose the most difficult way: on it you will not meet competitors.

      “Hard” method

      In the real estate market of any city in our