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Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1

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Enthusiastic efforts have been devoted to deciphering the AIE mechanism. Several possible mechanisms have been proposed, including intramolecular conformation planarization, J‐aggregate formation, E/Z isomerization, and excited‐state intramolecular proton transfer, but they are only applicable for specific molecular systems [6c]. A general working mechanism for AIE is highly desired for fundamental understanding and material designing.

      Upon absorption of photons, the excited molecule will decay through radiative and nonradiative paths or the photochemical process [2]. Hence, AIEgens in the solution may mainly undergo nonradiative decay or photochemical reaction to dissipate the majority of energy. Once aggregation occurs, the nonradiative decay paths can be blocked, or the radiative paths can be facilitated so that the emission can be enhanced. As the structure determines the property, typical AIEgens own flexible structures, containing multiple rotor or vibrator substituents, like hexaphenylsilole (HPS) and TPE, which endow them with high flexibility and potential to consume energy through intensive intramolecular motion, whereas multiple intermolecular interactions exist in the aggregate state, which can serve as constraints to molecular motions detrimental to the emission [6]. Continuous experimental exploration has been made through manipulation of the molecular motions by adjusting environmental factors, including hydrophobic interaction, temperature, viscosity, pressure, host–guest interaction, and intramolecular constraints such as substituent steric hindrance, ring closing, conjugation effect, and so on [14]. With persistent effort, Tang and coworkers have proposed the restriction of intramolecular rotation (RIR), the restriction of intramolecular vibration (RIV), and, finally, concluded that the restriction of intramolecular motion (RIM) was the general working principle for AIEgens [15].

      1.2.1 Restriction of Intramolecular Rotation

      Investigation of the effect from molecular motions on luminescence processes has drawn increasing interests. The less conjugated structures and intrinsic steric congestions are responsible for the high conformational flexibility of AIEgens.

      Source: Adapted from Ref. [14a] with permission from American Chemical Society.

      (d) Chemical structures and fluorescence photos. (e) Photoluminescence spectra of HPS 3−5 in the acetone solution (10−5 M).

      Source: Adapted from Ref. [14c] with permission from American Chemical Society.

      1.2.2 Restriction of Intramolecular Vibration

      The compound CD‐5 with a five‐membered ring is much more rigid and can show strong light emission in the dilute solution, but its emission is weakened in the solid, whereas the CD‐7 is almost nonemissive in the dilute solution, but it can show enhanced light emission in the solid state. The calculated conformations of these two derivatives have revealed that the CD‐7 with seven‐membered ring owns much higher vibrational flexibility in the excited state. The central π‐conjugated plane of CD‐7 will suffer the vibrational motion with a dihedral angle of around 18°, so its emission can be easily quenched in the dilute solution. But such intramolecular vibration can be efficiently restricted in the solid state, which finally leads to the AIE phenomenon. The mechanism for such AIEgens‐lacking rotors has been concluded as the RIV.