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Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1

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kr, kic, and IE of five AIEgens (HPS [37], BtTPS [65], HPDMCb [60], TPBD [56], and DPTDTP [66]) and four non‐AIEgens (BPS [67], perylene [68], DSB [69], and anthracene [68]) in both solution and solid states were calculated by combining the PCM and hybrid QM/MM models, respectively [64]. As shown in Table 2.6, it is found that the kic decreases sharply by several orders of magnitude from the solution to solid phase for AIEgens but suffers a tiny change for non‐AIEgens. As shown in Figure 2.7b, it is found that (i) the IE for all cases is negative; (ii) for AIEgens, the IE is minor in solution (~10%) but becomes remarkable in solid phases (~65–95%); (iii) for non‐AIEgens, the IE results in both solution and solid phases are close to each other and fall in the range of −40 to −90%. The calculated isotopic characteristic of AIEgens is further verify by experiments for HPS before and after deuteration; the experimental IEs well reproduce the calculated results with very little IE in solution but remarkably in solid phase. Thus, the proposed IE scheme further verifies the AIE mechanism theoretically and experimentally in which the nonradiative decay channels are blocked greatly owing to the decoupling of vibration–vibration and electron–vibration and then turning the fluorescence on.

Schematic illustration of (a) the isotope effect on kic. (b) IE results for AIEgens and non-AIEgens.

      Source: Reproduced from Ref. [64]. Copyright 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

      2.4.4 Linear Relationship between Fluorescence Intensity and Amorphous Aggregate Size

      Source: © 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry [64].

Solution Solid Solution Solid Solution Solid
H‐all 2.44 × 1011 8.58 × 106 2.20 × 1011 2.73 × 107 1.31 × 1011 2.26 × 107
D‐all 2.22 × 1011 2.61 × 106 1.97 × 1011 6.89 × 106 1.27 × 1011 7.11 × 106
IE –9.0% –69.6% –10.5% –74.8% –3.1% –68.5%
H‐all 2.16 × 1010 4.21 × 106 1.79 × 109 6.76 × 105 1.13 × 1010 2.19 × 109
D‐all 1.96 × 1010 2.77 × 105 1.61 × 109 2.23 × 105 7.05 × 109 1.44 × 109
IE –9.3% –93.4% –10.1% –67.0% –37.6% –34.2%
Perylene DSB